Published: Nov. 3, 2017

Oana David will give two talks on November 15th, co-sponsored by the Department of Linguistics, the Institute of Cognitive Science, and the Program in Culture, Language, and Social Practice. The details are as follows:

CLASP Lunch (12:30-1:30 in Hellems 285): 'Cancer is a tumultuous journey: A cross-linguistic analysis of metaphor' (click here for the abstract)

Ling Circle (4:00-5:30 in Hellems 237): 'The Role of Grammar in Computer-Aided Metaphor Research' (click here for the abstract)

is Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow in the Cognitive and Information Sciences Program at the University of California, Merced. Her research is about the application of theories and methods in metaphor research to better understanding of important social issues. She works on applied metaphor research, computational and corpus linguistic approaches to metaphor, construction grammar, and the sociolinguistics of metaphor use.