Professor Margot Kaminski named "Top 100 Legal Scholar"
Congratulations to , who was recently listed as a

In its third iteration of this study, the authors focus on recent publications as opposed to career-long research outputs. This helps recognize a broader range of scholars, emphasizing current impact.
“The Colorado Law community is thrilled to celebrate Professor Kaminski’s recognition as one of the top 100 legal scholars," said Colorado Law Dean and Provost’s Professor of Law Lolita Buckner Inniss. "Her scholarship and leadership have made a substantialimpact on the legal field, and we eagerly anticipate the continued influence of her research and engagement.”
The pool of authors from which the study pulled is large, with ABA 509 data indicating that there are roughly 9,663 full time faculty members across reporting schools. Kaminski was ranked 91st based on citations to law review articles published in the HeinOnline Law Journal Library from 2018 through 2020, and 65th when co-authorship was considered.
“I’m honored to be included on this list, which includes incredibly impressive scholars I’ve long admired,” Professor Kaminski said. “No one study perfectly captures impact, but I appreciate the authors’ thoughtfulness about the metrics they chose. It is truly exciting to find out about the relative level of impact of my recent work. I’m very grateful to my co-authors, and to colleagues in my field and at Colorado Law for crucial feedback. I am also grateful for the support I have received for my scholarship from Fulbright, and at various academic institutions, including Colorado Law.”
Kaminski’s work specializes in the law of new technologies, focusing on information governance, data privacy, and freedom of expression. Recently, her research has focused on AI Law; she is currently drafting a leading co-authored casebook in the field.
In 2018, Professor Kaminski conducted research on comparative data privacy law at the University of Amsterdam's Institute for Information Studies (IVIR) and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna as a recipient of the Fulbright-Schuman Innovation Grant. In 2024, she conducted research on comparative AI Law at the European University Institute (EUI) as a Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow and recipient of a 2024 Fulbright-Schuman Grant.