Published: March 22, 2017

Denver CapitolOn Friday, April 7, the University of Colorado Law School will host employment rights lawyers and advocates from across the state for Wage Justice Day, an annual conference on Fair Labor Standards Act and Colorado Wage Act litigation.

Designed for experienced and junior employment rights lawyers—both those specializing in representing plaintiffs and those considering pro bono cases for low-income workers—the event will cover complex, cutting-edge wage and hour topics, issue-spotting techniques, and strategic considerations in representing low-wage workers.   

The conference is created and organized by , a Denver-based advocacy, litigation, and education nonprofit that focuses on the rights of low-income workers. This year’s event is co-hosted by Colorado Law and the student group SWELL CU (Society for Work, Employment, & Labor Law at CU).

Professor Scott Moss, who is helping to organize the event, will present on "Developments in Collective Action Certification Under the FLSA in the District of Colorado," a topic on which he has written and litigated extensively. Other presenters include Brandt Milstein, Kelli Riley, Raja Raghunath, Alex Hood, David Miller, Andrew Turner, David Seligman, Nantiya Ruan, Colleen Callandra, and Sarah Parady.

“I am thrilled that Colorado Law and SWELL are co-hosting this year’s Wage Justice Day,” Moss said. “Public service is central to our culture at Colorado Law, and our employment law program is very strong, so we are excited to offer this opportunity to our students and attorneys from across Colorado.”

The event has been approved for 6 CLE credits (5 general, 1 ethics). Attendance is free. .