YangyangFu, Ph.D.

Ph.D. Thesis
"Modeling and Control for Grid-interactive Efficient Data Centers" (2020)
First Employer After Graduation
Texas A&M University
Dr. Yangyang Fu obtained hisPh.D. degree at University of Colorado Boulder in 2020. During his study at CU Boulder, his research interests included the application of data mining and machine learning techniques in the building energy area, optimal design and operation of the chiller plant system, discrete-event and continuous system modelling and numerical solutions of hybrid systems. He received his Master’s Degree at Tongji University, China majoring in Heating, Gas Supply, and Ventilating & Air Conditioning Engineering in 2016.
Journal Papers:
- S. Huang, J. Wang, Y. Fu, W. Zuo, K. Hinkelman, R. M. Kaiser, D. He, D. Vrabie 2021. “An Open-source Virtual Testbed for a Real Net-Zero Energy Community”. Sustainable Cities and Society, 75, pp.103255.
- C. Fan, K. Hinkelman, Y. Fu, W. Zuo, S. Huang, C. Shi,N. Mamaghani, C. Faulkner, X. Zhou 2021."Open-source Modelica Models for the Control Performance Simulation of Chiller Plants with Water-side Economizer." Applied Energy. 299, pp. 117337.
- Y. Fu, X. Han, K. Baker, W. Zuo2020. “Assessments of Data Centers for Provision of Frequency Regulation.” Applied Energy, 277, pp115621.
- W. Tian, X. Han, W. Zuo, Q. Wang, Y. Fu, M. Jin 2019. “An Optimization Platform Based on Coupled Indoor Environment and HVAC Simulation and Its Application in Optimal Thermostat Placement.” Energy and Buildings, 199, pp. 342-251.
- Y. Fu, W. Zuo, M. Wetter, J. W. VanGilder, P. Yang 2019. "Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation of Data Center Cooling Systems." Energy and Buildings, 198, pp. 503-519.
- X. Lu, K. Hinkelman, Y. Fu, J. Wang, W. Zuo, Q. Zhang, W. Saad 2019. “An Open Source Modeling Framework for Interdependent Energy-Transportation-Communication Infrastructure in Smart and Connected Communities.” IEEE Access, 7, pp. 55458-55476.
- Y. Fu, W. Zuo, M. Wetter, J. W. VanGilder, X. Han, D. Plamondon 2019. “Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation for Data Center Cooling: A Case Study.” Energy and Buildings,186, pp. 108-125.
- Q.Wang, Y.Pan, Y.Fu, Z.Huang, W.Zuo, P.Xu 2019. "A Simulation-based Method for Air Loop Balancing and Fan Sizing Using Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis." Building Simulation, 12 (2), pp. 247-258.
- G. Zhou, Y. Ye, J. Wang, W. Zuo, Y. Fu, X. Zhou 2018. “Modeling Air-to-Air Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger Without Dehumidification.” Applied Thermal Engineering, 143, pp. 137-148.
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers:
- Y. Fu, S. Huang, Y. Liu, T. McDermott, D. Vrabie, W. Zuo 2019. “A Multidisciplinary Model to Couple Power System Dynamics and Building Dynamics to Enable Building-to-Grid Integration.” Proceeding of the 16th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association (Building Simulation 2019), September 2-4, Rome, Italy.
- Y. Fu, S. Huang, D. Vrabie, W. Zuo 2019. “Coupling Power System Dynamics and Building Dynamics toEnabling Building-to-Grid Integration.”Proceedings ofthe 13th International Modelica Conference, pp. 561-566, March 4-6, Regensburg, Germany.
- Y. Fu, X. Lu, W. Zuo 2019. “Modelica Models for the Control Evaluations of Chilled Water System with Waterside Economizer.”Proceedings of the 13th International Modelica Conference, pp. 811-818, March 4-6, Regensburg, Germany.
- Y. Fu, M. Wetter, W. Zuo 2018. “Modelica Models for Data Center Cooling Systems.” 2018 ASHRAE Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild (BPACS 2018), pp. 438-445, September 26-28, Chicago, IL.
- X. Lu, Y. Fu, W. Zuo 2018. “Modeling of Smart Community Infrastructure Accounting for the Interdependencies Among Energy, Transportation and Communication Networks.” 2018 ASHRAE Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild (BPACS 2018),pp. 250-257, September 26-28, Chicago, IL.
- W. Tian, Y. Fu, Q. Wang, T. A. Sevilla, W. Zuo 2018. “Optimization on Thermostat Location in an Office Room Using the Coupled Simulation Platform in Modelica Buildings Library: A Pilot Study.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE2018), pp. 569-574, February 5-9, Melbourne, Australia.
- T. A. Sevilla, W. Tian, Y. Fu, W. Zuo 2018. “Low-Cost Acoustic Sensor Array for Building Geometry Mapping Using Echolocation for Real-Time Building Model Creation.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE2018), pp. 323-328, February 5-9, Melbourne, Australia.