Subcommittees for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity Efforts
Each semester, the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity Committee (IDEC) brainstorms and prioritizes action items to pursue. Based on the priority and interest level, subcommittees are formed to move actions forward, and to build relationships within subcommittees. Any ICS community member can join a subcommittee. You do not have to be a member of IDEC - the only requirement to join a subcommittee is an interest and desire to help make changes to make ICS a more inclusive, equitable and welcoming place of work. As subcommittee are formed, they will be added to this page.
Help start a monthly social, community building gathering for those identifying as BIPOC. Create a space to get know one another to share experiences, resources, and just hang out together.Â
Help generate a list of potential speakers from diverse groups and backgrounds, and brainstorm ideas for community building events to host during colloquia times.
Co-chairs: Norielle Adricula & Louisa Smith
Email for more information and join our work.
Help generate ideas for ICS community inclusion, diversity, and equity educational and training opportunities, them support bringing the activity to ICS.
Email for more information and join our work.
Help organize and run a month-long challenge to learn about racism and promote anti-racism, individually and systemically.
Co-chairs Yasko Endo & Denny Schaedig
Email for more information and join our work.
Help develop an anonymous system for reporting instances of racism, other discrimination, bias, harassment in a way that is not punitive, but instead focuses on education, training, support, and repairing relationships. This would be a system to use for non-mandatory reporting issues.
Email for more information and join our work.
Diversity Dashboard
Graduate Student Mentorship
IDEC Governance Structure and Policies
Inclusive Hiring and Admission Practices
Non-Gendered Bathrooms in ICS Spaces