Below are alumni featured stories! If you have a story you'd like to share, please contact us at

alumni becker

World Studies Pave Way to a Stellar Career

Feb. 22, 2016

*This article was featured in the Colorado Arts & Sciences Magazine, Spring 2016 edition. To read the original, please visit: This is a not-atypical day in Alex Becker’s life: He launches a Catamaran from the warm white sand beaches of Tortola among the British Virgin Islands. He is first...


Alum Spotlight: George Codding’s Volunteer Career in International Arson Investigation

Feb. 9, 2016

George A. Codding, son of former International Affairs Director and CU professor George Codding, Jr., has kept an interest in global issues in the family. Codding, ‘84 alum of International Affairs and Political Science and ’89 alum of the School of Law, has built a volunteer career beyond his current...

Martha Berhane in San Isidro, Dominican Republic

Alum Spotlight: Martha Berhane - Making Connections from the Dominican Republic to Washington, D.C.

June 5, 2015

For Martha Berhane (IAFS ’14), her Global Grant study abroad scholarship took her to places she never expected. In fall 2013, Berhane went to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic for a Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) study abroad program. Berhane interned with Community Service Alliance (CSA), an NGO in Santo...

Colin Sorensen in New Zealand

Alum Spotlight: Colin Sorensen - Grad Brings Science to the Classroom in New Orleans

June 5, 2015

When Colin Sorensen (’13) steps into his fifth grade classroom, he doesn’t know what the day will bring, but he doesn’t back down from the challenge. A year ago, he made the decision to work for Teach for America after graduating from CU-Boulder. Teach for America is a non-profit organization...

Maya Blanchard

Alum Spotlight: Maya Blanchard - Working Hands-on with Global Energy Issues

June 5, 2015

By the time she entered her senior year, Maya Blanchard (IAFS ’14) had a plan. She knew she wanted to intern before she graduated, and her minor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology had given her a strong interest in energy issues. Her plan came together with a unique internship with...

Lord Walker

Alum Spotlight: Lord Walker - Seeing the World (and Shredding Paper)

June 5, 2015

When Lord Walker graduated from CU-Boulder in 2009, he was eager to find a career in international affairs. A former engineering student who was drawn to global events, he knew he needed a place to start. Walker found his chance with a temporary ten-day job at the World Bank. Lord...

Julie Goodman

Alum Spotlight: Julie Goodman – From CU-Boulder to Global Consulting

June 5, 2015

As a college student, Julie Goodman (IAFS ’07) spent endless summer days scooping ice cream, but this didn’t deter her dream of becoming a future entrepreneur. Today, Goodman is the CEO of Goodman Global Consulting, based out of Dallas, Texas. Goodman Global Consulting works with companies aiming to grow in...
