HR Service Center Newsletter August 2022
Communication Reminder
- Thank you for your patience during our busy season as we work to process requests on a first-in-first-out basis. Please refrain from using Teams to communicate with the HRSC and direct all questions and requests to our email. For ticket updates, continue to utilize the .
- If you have ticket updates, please reply to the initial email stating, "Your ticket has been created". This will help reduce duplicate tickets and ensure information is entered correctly.
- We are in the midst of our peak season. Please expect response times to be slightly longer than usual due to an influx of work. Continue to utilize our spreadsheets by marking new/urgent employees, so they are prioritized. We can place a slightly higher priority working on a FIFO so they can have access before the start date. Utilize the portal to get up-to-date statuses on tickets and workload.
Permanent Faculty
- Employee Services' contract upload will take place the first week of August.
- The HRSC will send out a roster after the upload is complete. Please review the roster and respond with any changes that need to be made by August 16, 2022.
Certify your Leave
- The leave certification process will go live on Monday, August 8, 2022. Please follow the provided by Employee Services and certify your leave.
Research Faculty Reminders
- Research Faculty performance evaluations are due to on September 12, 2022. Please reach out to with any questions.
- Offer letters and the position checklist are updated on the website; please use the most updated versions.
Avature Disposition Feedback Update
- Due to the results of an Affirmative Action audit, Research Faculty candidates not selected in a search should no longer be dispositioned as “less qualified”. To ensure compliance with the federal government when hiring, we need hiring committees to accurately document the variations of each individual that applies and is rejected from the search.
- Please be prepared to provide the following information for each candidate that applied and was not selected for your search. The dispositioning feedback should not list why the finalist was chosen, but rather what specifically made each remaining candidate not as competitive or qualified as the selected candidate.
- How many rounds of interviews were completed? Which individuals made it to each round?
- What intervening factor primarily impacted your decision to reject this specific candidate?
- Please reach out to your recruitment coordinator or with any questions regarding this change.
Faculty Admin Appointments
- Please send in any Admin Appointment paperwork or updates as soon as possible to prevent delays in access and payments. Please visit our website and use our Faculty Admin spreadsheet for new hires or reappointments.
Semester Hire Updates
- Please submit your Fall Graduate and Lecturer hires on semester contracts only. If you have any specific questions, please reach out to your specific coordinator.
- A new hire request is not needed if you entered a Student Assistant hire over the summer and they are to continue working in the same position for fall.
- Tuition remission for the fall semester is due by September 5, 2022. For more information, please visit the following link: Billing & Due Dates | Bursar's Office | University of Colorado Boulder
- Stay up to date on the approaching deadlines. You can access our calendars here: HR Service Center | Human Resources | University of Colorado Boulder
Personnel Updates:
- Please give a big welcome to our two new coordinators, Devyn Saucier and Rob Cockrell. We are so excited to have them on board!