Student Fees Resource

Nov. 3, 2021

Do you ever wonder where your student fee money goes each semester? While GPSG is continuing our fight to eliminate student fees for graduate and professional students, we want to make sure you get the most out of the money you are spending in the meantime. We've compiled a document...

Regents Forum on Presidential Search

Oct. 26, 2021

GPSG will be hosting a forum with the CU Board of Regents at next week's meeting on November 2. The Regents are seeking student feedback on the search for the next CU system president. Like all Assembly meetings, this event is open to the public. You can find this and...

Upcoming Event - Family Pumpkin Patch Outing

Oct. 20, 2021

GPSG Director of Social Events is hosting a family pumpkin patch outing next Saturday, October 30 from 12-2pm. Register at the link below to get a free pumpkin on us! We hope to see you there. Click here for event info

GPSG Welcomes New CTL Board Member

Oct. 13, 2021

At Tuesday's meeting, the GPSG Assembly voted to approve Ruiqi Li to the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Advisory Board. GPSG Executives nominated Ruiqi due to his extensive experience with CTL programming and his vision to represent international student needs. Ruiqi will join Irfan Alam, who was approved to...

GPSG Welcomes New Committee Members

Oct. 5, 2021

During the October 5th meeting, the GPSG Assembly voted to approve four new student representatives to various campus boards. They will be a valuable addition to the GPSG team and represent graduate and professional students in key organizations on campus. These representatives will periodically report to GPSG leadership to provide...

Apply for a paid position to work with GPSG!

Sept. 29, 2021

GPSG has several openings for College Senators, which are paid bi-weekly. We are currently seeking Senators from Arts & Sciences, Engineering, Education, and Leeds Business. We are reviewing applications on a rolling basis. Contact if you have any questions about the position! Click here to view the application

Assembly Meeting Rescheduled

Sept. 27, 2021

Assembly meetings for the Fall 2021 semester have been shifted back 30 minutes and will now take place on Tuesdays at 6:30pm. You can find the most current information on the university calendar or the GPSG events page . Please contact if you have any questions about Assembly meetings.

Apply for Presidential Search Committee

Sept. 23, 2021

The CU Board of Regents recently opened a call for nominations for the upcoming Presidential Search Committee. The recently revised policies now include a guaranteed spot on the committee for a graduate student. This is a great opportunity to choose the new leadership for the CU system, which sets priorities...

GPSG to seek new Director of Social Events

Sept. 14, 2021

GPSG extends our congratulations to our Director of Social Events, Brittney Banaei , on her graduation at the end of the semester! Brittney has been an invaluable member of our team for the last three semesters. With her departure, GPSG will be seeking to hire a new Director of Social...

New Event - DEI Social Hour

Sept. 9, 2021

Our Director of Diversity Initiatives and Director of Social Events are piloting a new event this semester! We hope you can join us for a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) social hour. During this event, come chat with GPSG officers about your experience with DEI issues on campus. The first...
