Tenure Track Faculty Recruitment Authorization
The Office of Faculty Affairs and the Office of the Provost coordinate approvals for faculty searches in the annual tenured/tenure-track (TTT) Faculty Recruitment Process. This approval process begins in early June when the Provost’s Office sends an e-mail requesting units to complete their TTT faculty recruitment reports and plans. Units’ reports and plans are due back to the Provost’s office in mid-July for review by the Provost. Shortly thereafter, units are sent an e-mail with the Provost’s approval, which serves as official notification to proceed with their TTT faculty search processes for the upcoming recruiting season. The first step in the process is submission of the completed on-line Faculty Recruitment Authorization Form. Units are required to complete one form for each individual search. Once the Faculty Recruitment Authorization Form receives final approval, units work with Human Resources to initiate the search plan, job posting and recruitment through Avature (campus applicant tracking system).
Please Note: Paper forms will no longer be accepted.
To submit the online request, you will need the following:
- Name, Email and Title for all individuals reviewing/approving the form.
- HCM faculty position number
- Proposed faculty rank, salary, other hiring commitments or agreements, (e.g., moving expenses, space/office/lab, start up, etc.)
Please be prepared to provide specific detailed information if you will answer Yes to the “Is there a Provost Commitment?” question. Before completing this section please confirm that you have a record (preferably an e-mail) of the Provost’s agreement to the commitment. Provost commitments may include Salary support, Start Up support, graduate student support, etc., or some combination thereof. The Provost commitment section must include dollar amount and timeframe/schedule over which the commitment will be delivered.
We are providing a few examples of a detailed statement for reference:
Ex 1: 1/3 toward salary for five years (no funding toward start up)
Ex 2: Provost funds AY faculty salary for as long as faculty member serves as Director.
Ex 3: $120k toward start up spread over 3 years ($40k per year)
Ex 4: Start up ($350k max) split 50:50 between Provost and hiring unit; Provost contribution over 3 yrs ($58,333 per yr)
Please be specific to avoid delays in routing an RAF with a Provost commitment.
For detailed instructions click HERE.