Group Collaboration Ideas
Events are aggregated on the Events Calendar by groups and places and by the filters; event type, interest, College/ Department/ Unit, and audience. Events may also use keywords and tags to help with coordinated efforts to cross promote and post eventsto show up on the localist block on a group's website.
College/ Department/ Unit Coordination with Filters:
If you are a college, department, or unit, know that your listing under theCollege/ Department/ Unit filterwill display acollection of all the events for other affiliated groups that choose this filter on their events. Coordination between affiliated groups will ensure allCollege/ Department/ Unitevents display with this filter.
CrossCollege/ Department/ Unit Collaboration:
Events may be associated with more than one group. When more than one group is hosting an event, work together to decide which group will post the event so you do not create duplicate events on the events calendar. When more than one group is selected and the event admin creating the event does not have permissions to add events for the other group, the event will go to the pending queue for the other group to approve. Communication isneededto get the event approved in a timely manner.
Events of Interest to MultipleColleges, Departments,and Units:
Also consider other cross promotion ideas such as asking a campus communicator to publish an online news article about your event. This is a fantastic way to highlight speaker events.
You already know that email invites, event mentions in newsletters, social media promotions, andonline advertisingare essential to driving visibility, ticket sales and/or registrations.