Ben Livneh
- Associate Professor
Department: Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering
Education: B.E.Sc., M.E.Sc. University of Western Ontario (2004-2006), Ph.D. University of Washington (2012)
Teaching: CVEN 5363 Modeling Hydrologic Systems, CVEN 4333 Engineering Hydrology
Research: Climate and land cover change impacts on water resources, computational hydrology, land surface modeling, terrestrial water and energy balances
Office: SEEC C251
Honors and Distinctions:
- NASA New Investigator Award (2018)
- Symposium Scholar, DISCCRS VIII: Dissertations Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research, 2013
- CIRES Visiting Fellowship Award, 2012.
Recent Publications:
** denotes work done in collaboration with graduate students
* denotes work done in collaboration with undergraduate students
- **Jennings, K.S., T. Winchell, B. Livneh, and N.P. Molotch, 2018: Spatial variation of the rain-snow temperature threshold across the Northern Hemisphere, Nature Communications, 9, 1148.
- **Shellito, P., E. E. Small, and B. Livneh, 2018: Controls on surface soil drying rates observed by SMAP and simulated by the Noah land surface model, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22(3), 1649.
- **Stewart, J.S., B. Livneh, J.R. Kasprzyk, J.T. Minear, B. Rajagopalan, and *W.J. Raseman, 2017: A multi-algorithm approach to land surface modeling of suspended sediment in the Colorado Front Range, Journal of Advances in Models Earth Systems, 9(7), 2526-2544.
- **Yanto, B. Livneh, and B. Rajagopalan, 2017: Development of a gridded meteorological dataset over Java island, Indonesia 1985–2014, Nature Scientific Data, 4, 170072.