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Positions open at Oregon State University

The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University invites applications for several full time faculty positions. Please refer to the links for further details and deadlines.

We seek an early career geophysicist who will complement existing areas of strength in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS). The successful candidate will be a field-oriented colleague who has a deep understanding of the underlying geological and physical principles and the imagination to address a wide range of problems on a variety of temporal and spatial scales using seismology, MT/EM or other geophysical techniques. Possible research foci include near-surface/environmental geophysics, crust and mantle processes, tectonics, volcanology, marine geophysics, hydrogeophysics, natural hazard characterization and mitigation, and natural resource exploration.

We seek a colleague who will develop and maintain a vigorous, externally-funded research program in the remote sensing of water, including snow and ice. The successful applicant is expected to use novel remote sensing approaches to observe and model the spatial and temporal patterns of water stocks and surface and subsurface fluxes of water to/from the oceans, vegetation, soil, snow and ice, aquifers, surface water bodies and watersheds across all scales in the landscape. Spatial and temporal distributions and fluxes of water are of increasing relevance for understanding climate dynamics and water scarcity for ecosystems and humans. The successful applicant will help lead major innovative research directions in CEOAS linking atmosphere, vegetation, hydrosphere, and human systems. We seek an outstanding scholar to develop cutting-edge strategies to combine remote sensing technologies with direct measurements, existing or new. This could involve using spatial and temporal data on water storage to model and infer fluxes of moisture to and from the atmosphere, to understand vegetation water stress, human withdrawals of water from surface and subsurface reservoirs, to anticipate emergent drought conditions, and/or to understand or predict other natural hazards or impacts on humans. The successful applicant will devise new applications and analyses for linking traditional remotely-sensed imagery with novel technologies to clarify interactions between water, climate, terrestrial landscapes, and human systems.

We seek a colleague with expertise in exploring ocean dynamics using physics-based numerical modeling tools, and who will develop and maintain a vigorous, research program applied to either ocean circulation or atmosphere-ocean coupled systems. We welcome applications by candidates who specialize in developing novel computational tools and/or data assimilative methods applied to a range of data types and temporal/spatial scales. We also encourage applicants who have an interdisciplinary focus that would connect with existing CEOAS strengths, e.g., atmosphere-ocean interaction, biogeochemical ocean modeling, paleoclimate reconstructions, or beach evolution/sediment processes.

We seek an outstanding scholar who will investigate earth-system processes by advancing: i) forecasting and predictive capabilities (ocean and/or atmosphere states), and ii) interpretation of complex physical and/or coupled problems through incorporation of incomplete data sets in analyses and models. The successful applicant is expected to maintain a cutting-edge research program supported robustly by funding sources possibly including private foundations or industry. The candidate should demonstrate an ability to compete effectively for new research opportunities and help support cross-college interdisciplinary collaborations, potentially including those associated with real-time data presence in the marine environment of the Pacific Northwest.

We seek a colleague who will develop and maintain a vigorous, externally-funded research program in the field of hydrogeology. The successful applicant is expected to explore the subsurface and/or surface distribution and movement of water in rock and soil to clarify interactions between water, climate, terrestrial and/or marine landscapes, and human systems. We seek an outstanding scholar with experience in fundamental Earth Science questions across a range of temporal and spatial scales, such as linkages between the hydrologic cycle, erosion and weathering; terrestrial water supply resilience in a changing environment; or storage, transport, or remediation of environmental contaminants. These issues are critical to existing research programs and an effective curriculum within CEOAS and across OSU. This position will have the opportunity to develop collaborations within CEOAS and across OSU, including in Earth surface processes, environmental geochemistry, fluid-mineral reactions, and/or paleoclimate, and have access to world class existing campus geochemical laboratories, field sites, and imaging facilities.