Shared Governance

The Program in Environmental Design is organized by shared governance to advance the strategic goals of the program. 

Program Leadership

Executive Leadership Team

The Executive Leadership team shall comprise the Executive Committee, the Director and the Associate Director(s), and staff leadership. The group will meet at least monthly to discuss and advise on issues affecting the Program.

Director & Associate Director(s)

Director of Environmental Design
The Director will be selected by the faculty and staff of ENVD from one or more internal or external candidates. Candidates will be of a rank aligned with University Policies and Procedures. If an internal candidate is selected, it is preferred that they have been with ENVD for at least three years. Internal candidates will be nominated and voted on by the voting members of the faculty. After this approval, the recommendation will be sent to the Dean of the Graduate School for approval. If no suitable internal candidate can be determined, the Dean shall nominate at least two candidates for faculty vote and recommendation. At the time of reappointment, the faculty will vote on whether to recommend that the Dean reappoint the director. There is no limit on the number of terms a director may serve.

Associate Director(s)
Associate Directors take on some roles of the director and provide continuity between director changes.

Standing Committees

Executive Committee

The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to review and update ENVD administrative policy and advise on fiscal matters and other activities affecting the operation and development of ENVD. The Faculty members of the Executive Committee will review and update the Faculty Report of Professional Activities in order to assist the Director in making recommendations for merit ratings and salary increases. (See ENVD policy on Merit Reviews.) The Executive Committee shall be responsible for defining the charge of all standing committees, guided by the principles of these bylaws, and for the establishment and charge of all ad-hoc committees. The Executive Committee shall meet regularly as decided by the members, keep records of its activities, and make minutes of meetings available to the faculty and staff.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The DEI Committee supports ENVD activities to promote diverse and equitable student, staff, and faculty populations, including coordination with campus efforts through ODECE, IDEA Plan, and related university initiatives. One of the committee's functions is to create DEI audit of the program. DEI Report. The committee presents the DEI audit report to faculty and staff. The report should examine if there has been improvement and determine the areas needing more work. DEI audit reports should be made public on the program's website. In addition, the DEI committee has the faculty of adding other Adhoc members in a search to find an ideal committee composition that finds underrepresented ENVD members. 

Undergraduate Education Committee

Initiate, review and recommend new courses, degree requirements and electives, study abroad ENVDs, and summer school. Advise on semester course offerings and recommend potential teaching assignments to the Director for approval. Represent ENVD in arranging cooperative or joint course offerings in environmental studies, architectural engineering, art and art history, and other related ENVDs. The committee should be composed of various faculty that represent all majors and act as the major coordinators to evaluate programs' curricular needs and changes.

Guest Lectures Committee

This committee aims to provide the Program with access to state-of-the-art advances in scholarly and design fields by exposing students and faculty to new and diverse ideas and points of view from guests from all majors, design career fields, underrepresented communities and at various stages in their careers. The committee should particularly seek speakers from underrepresented populations to support ENVDs DEI mission. In addition, the lecture committee should provide activities that enrich the exchange between faculty and students with outside professionals and academics, primarily through lectures, exhibits and workshops. The committee shall coordinate with the Director and ExCom on the availability of the program budget to facilitate proposed activities.

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee reviews and makes recommendations for reappointment, promotion and tenure, including hiring new faculty with tenure. The committee consists of all tenured faculty in ENVD. The Director chairs the Tenure Committee but does not vote on recommendations. (See ENVD Guidelines for Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure.) The committee should advise the research faculty on their path toward tenure.

Adhoc Committees & Task Forces

Recruitment Task Force

The retention task force is tasked with primarily supporting staff-level obligations to University Recruitment initiatives. The committee oversees Program commitments for hosted events and organized outreach efforts by assisting in planning and implementation. The committee is tasked with organizing students, faculty and staff as needed.

Program Exhibits & Events Task Force

The Program exhibits and events task force has two primary roles. The first is to oversee the ENVD Gallery and misc exhibit spaces. The second role is to plan and implement primary Program events such as end-of-semester Open House and Graduate Show. The committee will assist staff-obligated efforts in Program events.

Scholarships & Advancement Task Force

The Scholarships and Advancement Task Force has two primary roles. In the Spring semester, the task force is assigned with running the ENVD scholarship program (nominations, selection process, awards and reporting). In the Fall semester, the task force is tasked with conducting advancement efforts primarly and ideally aimed at supporting the scholarship program in perpituity. Other advancement efforts may be identified by the Executive Committee and Dirctorship, as opportunities are identified at the University level.

Undergraduate Honors Task Force

The Undergraduate Honors Task Force serves the Program by organizing and ultimately implementing the Honors process. Tasks may include the assigning of coursework and faculty-obligations to support the Honors process in conjunction with budget directives from the Executive Committee. The Task Force is expected to conduct an annual accounting of the Honors Program in anticipation of sustaining goal and initiatives for the upcoming Academic Year.

Student Organizations Advisors

A faculty member specializing in the discipline associated with each student organization.
