women silhouette in sunset

ENGL 1250: Intro to Global Women's Literature (Spring 2020)

Introduces global literature by women. Covers both poetry and fiction and varying historical periods. Acquaints students with the contribution of women writers to the literary tradition and investigates the nature of this contribution. Equivalent - Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted: WGST 1250 Additional Information: Arts Sci Core Curr: Human Diversity...


ENGL 1240: Planetarity (Spring 2020)

Focuses of post-WWII American writing and thought about the planet and humanity. We explore how postwar efforts to transform the terrestrial environmental and conquer outer space raise questions about humanity, technology, and nature. We also study how earth and space serve novelists, artists, and film-makers as environments to confront large-scale...

view of a valley

ENGL 1230: Environmental Literature (Spring 2020)

Introduces students to the tradition of nature writing dating from Romanticism through realist and experimental contemporary literary texts. Â鶹ÒùÔº will study key terms and concepts related to the environment such as anthropocentrism, bioregionalism, eco-cosmopolitanism, environmental justice, deep ecology, and posthumanism. They will apply them to different literary genres toward developing...

scone in ivy

ENGL 1220: From Gothic to Horror (CORE) (Spring 2020)

Explores literature in the Gothic mode and aesthetic and critical theories related to modern "horror" genres or their precursors. Introduces literary-critical concepts (such as notions of abjection, repression and anxiety) that developed alongside this branch of literature. Â鶹ÒùÔº read canonical works in British and American traditions while reflecting on notions...

person writing

ENGL 1001: Freshman Writing Seminar (Spring 2020)

Provides training and practice in writing and critical thinking. Focuses on the writing process, the fundamentals of composition, and the structure of argument. Provides numerous and varied assignments with opportunity for revision. Requisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 credits (Freshmen or Sophomore) College of Arts and Sciences majors only. Additional...


ENGL 3544: The Long Eighteenth Century - Satire, Sense, and Sentiment (Spring 2020)

The period of English history that runs from 1660 into the early 19th century was a period of extraordinary change. Great Britain became by 1800 the most powerful nation in the world. During the period we will study, it experienced a revolution that brought in a new ruling family; it...

It's Deliciously Trashy Cartoon

ENGL 3856-001: Topics in Genre Studies - Trashy Books (Spring 2020)

Why do people find trashy books so delicious? This course will take up one of the most popular kinds of trashy books – the romance – and investigate how and why it emerged. We will explore what romances are about -- lovers, quests, overcoming obstacles, lost children returned to their...

ENGL 4368 Course Icon

ENGL 4368-001: Modern Drama (Spring 2020)

We will explore the astonishing range of dramatic experimentation that redefined the theater in the past one hundred fifty years. After getting a feel for the forms behind modern drama such as the well-made play, historical tragedy, and the melodrama, we will read plays that define realism and naturalism, symbolism...
