IoT Think Tank

April 23, 2021

Industry-academic research collaboration looks to the future of Internet-connected devices. Danny Dig Executive Director Shivakant Mishra Professor Bor-Yuh Evan Chang Associate Professor Every second, 127 new Internet of Things devices — thermostats, TVs, medical devices and much more — are connected to the Internet. By the end of this year,...


'It Keeps you Humble'

April 22, 2021

High-stakes Subterranean Challenge puts CU Boulder robotics team to the test. Michael Ohradzansky at the starting line of the Washington challenge course. For mechanical engineering PhD candidate Michael Miles, participating in the national Subterranean Challenge robotics competition has provided real-world experience he might not otherwise have gotten during his graduate...

On the Grid

April 22, 2021

Researchers tackle climate change with algorithms to optimize energy use. We have a unique and valuable opportunity to collaborate with the national renewable energy laboratory. Kyri Baker Kaitlyn Garifi in the classroom with a student When we flip a switch, the light bulb comes on. We don’t think about whether...

Taking Ownership

April 21, 2021

Chris Heckman Assistant Professor Shilo Brooks Director, Engineering Leadership Program Shaz Zamore Head of STEAM outreach at ATLAS Ethical technology requires new approaches to education, research and inclusion. For the first few decades of the computing age, computers were monolithic machines in big places, out of reach for most of...


Innovation All-Nighters

April 21, 2021

Hackathons give students a chance to explore and network, all in a fun atmosphere. It’s essentially an invention marathon. Twelve to 36 hours of building and connecting with other developers. Zahraa Abbasi Director of HackCU The term “hackathon” might elicit images of people breaking into CIA mainframes, but the reality...

CU Boulder campus seen from the air

Engineering faculty part of 2021 Research & Innovation Seed Grants totaling $700,000

April 21, 2021

The 2021 Research & Innovation Seed Grants, announced by the CU Boulder Office of the Provost and Research & Innovation Office (RIO), are funding 16 new proposals for up to $50,000, including two new CU Boulder Grand Challenge projects.

Sophie Woods

Think globally, act locally: Engineers adjust plans to support Colorado town

April 20, 2021

When the pandemic hit, the Engineers Without Borders team made the difficult decision to suspend its Puerto Rico project and began searching for creative opportunities to bring engineering solutions to under-resourced communities.

 Header image: Illustration of NASA’s DART spacecraft and the Italian Space Agency’s (ASI) LICIACube prior to impact at the Didymos binary system.

Building planetary defenses for killer asteroids

April 19, 2021

Jay McMahon is joining a groundbreaking NASA mission to test asteroid deflection technology. McMahon, an assistant professor Ann and H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder, has been named a participating scientist in the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART). DART is the first flight...

A robot making its way through the colon

Visual clues aid autonomous medical robot in journey through human body

April 19, 2021

Researchers in the Paul M. Rady Department of Mechanical Engineering are developing a robot that may one day change how millions of people across the U.S. get colonoscopies, making these common procedures easier for patients and more efficient for doctors.

The CU Boulder team is presented with their trophy during the virtual awards ceremony.

CU Boulder takes first place in 2021 Solar Decathlon Build Challenge

April 19, 2021

The University of Colorado Boulder won first place in the 2021 U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon Build Challenge, the third time CU Boulder has placed first in the highly competitive event.
