Published: June 12, 2014

Andrew_Maul_006P_180x185.jpegAssistant Professor Andrew Maul of the Research and Evaluation Methodology (REM) program has been awarded a 2014 National Academy of Education (NAEd)/ Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship for his demonstrated record of research and promising research agenda. The fellowship provides $55,000 for a year of focus on his proposed project, "Improving the Measurement of Affective Attributes." Fellows also attend professional development retreats with other fellows and NAEd members.

As Professor Maul explains, his project has two goals: "The first goal is to advance the methodology for measuring affective attributes by engaging in an iterative process of developing, pilot-testing, and refining new measures of a core set of affective attributes, particularly those associated with the ability or disposition to persevere over long periods of time (i.e., grit). The second goal is to advance the theory and practice of survey methodology in general, by exploring some of the shortcomings of traditional methods and by exemplifying alternative strategies consistent with modern thinking about best-practices in instrument design in the context of measuring cognitive attributes."

Professor Maul completed his PhD in Education in 2008 at the University of California, Berkeley. His scholarship focuses on the intersection of technical, conceptual, and applied issues in research methodology in the human sciences, with a particular concentration on the measurement of human attributes. He spent three years as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oslo, Norway, where he worked with national and international educational assessment systems and collaborated with scholars interested in the philosophy of measurement. 
