- 12-01 - Shatanjaya Dasgupta, "Son Preference and Gender Gaps in Child Nutrition: Does the Level of Female Autonomy Mattter?," March 2012
- 12-02 - Soojae Moon, "How Trade Restrictions Disperse:Policy Dynamics with Firm Selection," March 2012
- 12-03 - Scott J. Savage, "Market Structire and Media Diversity," March 2012
- 12-04 - Scott Hiller, "The Importance of Quality: How Music Festivals Achieved Commercial Success," March 2012
- 12-05 - Scott Hiller, "Exclusive Dealing and Its Effects: The Impact of Large Music Festivals on Local Music Venues," March 2012
- 12-06 - Jieun Chang, "Multiproduct Firms, Product Bundling and Market Entry," March 2012
- 12-07 - Catherine Massey, "Immigration Quotas and Immigrant Skill Comoposition: Evidence from the Pacific Northwest," March 2012
- 12-08 - Luis Castro, "Fixed Export Costs and Firm-Level Export Behavior," March 2012
- 12-09 - Wooyoung Park, "Cointegrated Sectoral Productivities and Investment-Specific Technology in U.S. Business Cycles," March 2012
- 12-10 - ChrisMcMahan, "Theory and Evidence of Switching Costs in the Market for College Textbooks," March 2012
- 12-11 - Luis Castro, "Does Licensing Induce Technological Spillovers to Domestic Firms," March 2012
- 12-12 - Kyungsoo Oh, "Energy Use in US Manufacturing and Increased Imports from China," March 2012