- Moddel was issued a patent in August for geometric diode, applications and method, a technology that lays the foundation for high-efficiency, low-cost photovoltaic cells.
- ECEE Assistant Professor Juliet Gopinath and her research team have received a $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a fiber-optic imaging instrument that will complete deep-brain imaging using a miniature nonlinear microscope.
- Based on early-stage trials, Won Park's targeted nanotechnology-based approach to fighting cancer could be a breakthrough treatment.
- The research team, led by ECEE Assistant Professor Milos Popovic, developed a new technique that allows microprocessors to use light, instead of electrical wires, to communicate with transistors on a single chip.
- As many as 20 paintings, or about 15 percent of those recently X-rayed at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, were found to have hidden paintings beneath them, according to ECEE Assistant Professor Shannon Hughes.
- Filipovic research group's spiral and other frequency independent antennas achieve previously unattainable performance.