The stump of the “Old Main Cottonwood” on Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022. The tree has been taken down after 140 years, but not before cuttings were taken so that clones of the tree can be propagated. The disc will be saved for artists as raw material.

CU was forced to cut down a famed 142-year-old tree. Clones will carry on its legacy

Feb. 2, 2022

Hart Van Denburg/CPR News John B. Clark, greenhouse director at CU Boulder’s ecology and evolutionary biology department, with cuttings from the “Old Main Cottonwood” that will be nurtured until large enough to be planted on campus. The tree has been taken down after 140 years. After living through two World...

Retired ‘free-range ecologist’ helps students become green ambassadors

Retired ‘free-range ecologist’ helps students become green ambassadors

Feb. 2, 2022

Professor emeritus was recently awarded an outreach grant to assist in community efforts to mitigate environmental degradation on the Front Range

oldest tree

Historic “Old Main Cottonwood” slated for removal over Winter Break

Dec. 15, 2021

Planted in 1879 or 1880, the “Old Main Cottonwood” is the oldest and tallest tree on campus. At more than 140 years old, 110 feet tall and 19 feet in circumference at the base of the trunk, it has outlived and outgrown all other on-campus cottonwoods that were planted at...

Arctic Finch on Branch

Common arctic finches are all the same species

Dec. 6, 2021

New research from CU Boulder confirms that there are not, in fact, multiple species of Redpoll Finches, as previously thought By Cay Leytham-Powell ‱ Published: Dec. 2, 2021 For birders struggling to figure out what kind of Redpoll they’re watching, new research from the University of Colorado Boulder says don’t...

Julie Volckens is OIEC director of assessment and helped Safran's lab create the survey.

Lab turns critical eye on itself, aims to retain diverse voices

Oct. 27, 2021

It’s said that a diversity of voices promotes a diversity of solutions, but retaining those diverse voices remains a challenge for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. A new project at the University of Colorado Boulder, though, hopes to target that need at the most accessible level: the lab...

The discovery of a rare three-species warbler hybrid suggests bird species in sharp decline are struggling to find suitable mates

Declining warblers making the best of bad situation

Oct. 27, 2021

A strange warbler found in a Pennsylvania backyard is the first-of-its-kind three-species hybrid, indicating nearby endangered warblers might be making the best of a declining population—but at a cost, according to new research from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the University of Colorado Boulder. With a mother that is...

avani fachon

Interactive website immerses viewers in the world of barn swallows

Oct. 19, 2021

Avani Fachon, a CU undergraduate with a major in ecology and evolutionary biology and a minor in media production, has created an honors thesis project as a multimedia, interactive website titled Rituals of this Good Earth: An Exploration of Barn Swallow-Human Interconnections . She is a National Science Foundation Post...

The fact that the parasite has infected non-migratory chickadees is concerning because it's “a sign that it is already spreading,” Theodosopoulos says. A migratory bird can be infected anywhere along its journey, but the chickadees had to have contracted the disease locally. Until now, the only recorded North American birds with SGS1 were captive birds in New York and one wild, migratory tree swallow in Canada. Theodosopoulos speculates mosquitoes may have spread the disease from infected birds in zoos, whi

Introduced Avian Malaria Strain Found in Colorado Chickadees

Oct. 4, 2021

It's the first time this variant has been detected in a wild, non-migratory North American species, but there's no cause for alarm yet, experts say. When Angela Theodosopoulos began studying Colorado's Mountain and Black-capped Chickadees four years ago, her original goal was to research hybridization among the species and the...

News Feature Dr. Rebecca Safran honored during National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week, September 20-24

Sept. 27, 2021

NPAW is sponsored by the National Postdoctoral Association , of which all CU Boulder postdocs are members, to highlight the research, scholarly and creative contributions of postdocs. Outstanding Postdoc Awards This year’s Outstanding Postdoc Awards, reserved for postdocs excelling in research productivity, innovation, communication and leadership, are awarded to Drs...

Top: Lisa Corwin measures an apple tree on the CU Boulder campus. Middle: Lisa Corwin and two students shake an apple tree to retrieve samples for data collection. Bottom: Metal tags, which do not harm the trees, are used to tag and identify trees as part of the Boulder Apple Tree Project. (Credit: CU Boulder)

Participate in a historic (and tasty) science project this fall

Sept. 23, 2021

Fall means cooler temperatures, changing leaves and apples ready for the picking. This year, there is a bumper crop of ripe Delicious, Ben Davis and yet-to-be-identified fruits in and around Boulder thanks to a wet spring. For some, it may come as a surprise that apples can flourish along the...
