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November 18, 2017 Prof. Moni Fleshner

Moni Fleshner 2017

 "Superheros Within: Immunity in Health & Disease!"

CU Physiology Professor Moni Fleshner will introduce young students to the immune system and teach kids about some great “superherosâ€, the cells and organs that fight germs! With the help of “Anatomy Bob†and examples from a mouse, a rat and a human, Dr. Fleshner’s show will highlight one very important superhero in the body involved with fighting germs, the spleen!

Contact Candice Bartholomew Brown at (303) 492-5011 or djnadmin@jila.colorado.edu or check out for more information. November 18—Boulder, for ages 5-18, from 9:30 to 10:30 am, located at University of Colorado Cristol Chemistry Room 140.