Published: Feb. 17, 2021

postman butterflyճHeliconiusor passion-vine butterflies are tropical butterflies fromCentral and South Americathat show a huge diversity of wing patterns. They have undergone rapid speciation and divergence(beingdifferentfrom one another), and also show an amazing amount of convergence(having traits similar to one another)in wing pattern due to mimicry.

Heliconiusadults live arelativelylong adult life for a butterfly—up to 8 months. This requires them to beespeciallygood at avoiding predators. One way thatHeliconiushave evolved toavoid being eatenis to mimic the wing patterns of related species that are toxic to predators.

Heliconiusbutterflies alone have 43 species with hundreds of subspecies, just one of the factors that make them a great research organism.Living butterflies are being studied now, but tolearnhow they have evolved from butterflies of the past, we turn to natural history collections.

ճbasic questionofhow organisms change through time and space in response to the environment, helps us understand our world.Finding answersis increasingly relevantto predicting how organisms might respond to environmental changes caused by human-induced change.Natural historymuseum collections’specimens provide a window to the past, and a record that spans time and geography, within and between species.Each species studied by scientists becomes a page in the story we read of life on earth.

A reminder that scientists don’t spend all their time with butterfly nets and DNA sequencingmachines:species name use a standardized binomialnomenclatureso theyare universally consistent. Scientists who discover a new species have the freedom to name it. In the case of these butterflies,Helicon is a mountain in Greece that was regarded as the source of poetry and inspiration. The species names ofmany of theHeliconiusbutterflies come from those of themythologicalmusesthat inhabited Helicon. Today’s WoW,Hmelpomene, is named for the muse of tragedyandrosinais a variant of “rose”.And,in case you didn’t notice, the very word‘museum’ also derives from those muses.WoW!

Lopez, L., Turner, K. G., Bellis, E. S., & Lasky, J. R. (2020). Genomics of natural history collections for understanding evolution in the wild. Molecular Ecology Resources, 20(5), 1153–1160. 

Gilbert, L. E. (1972). Pollen feeding and reproductive biology of Heliconius butterflies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 69(6), 1403–1407. 

Beltrán, M., Brower. A.V.Z.,Jiggins, C. (2013). Tree of Life Heliconius Kluk1780 TS = Papiliocharithonia L., 1767 (designated by Hemming, 1933). Longwings or passion-flower butterflies. 

. (2014). Butterfly Evolution from Jungles to Genomes. The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition. 

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