In the fall of 1968 in the Kittredge Commons, long-lasting friendships developed between Mike McCabe (𲹱’72), Dan Eberhart (’76), Lloyd Davis (Anth’72) and Paul Turner (Soc’74), along with Cory Siegel and Kevin Lee. They banded together in a faux fraternity they dubbed the “WEW” — “West East’s Wing of Arnett Hall.” After a long separation, in the early 2000s they found out that all except Paul (who lives in Portland) once again lived in the Denver-Boulder area. WEW began getting together regularly to rehash campus memories, analyze Buffalo athletics and discuss the state of world affairs.

Posted Jul. 10, 2023

Disneyland on the Mountain: Walt, the Environmentalists, and the Ski Resort That Never Was, a nonfiction book written by Greg Glasgow (MEngl’99) and his wife, Kathryn Mayer, tells the story of a ski resort the Disney company tried to build in Mineral King, California, throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Coinciding with the start of the modern environmental movement, the Sierra Club environmental organization filed a lawsuit against the project that was eventually presented to the Supreme Court. The book also features the late John Harper (PhDGeog’74), one of the Sierra Club activists who worked against the Disney project.

Posted Jul. 10, 2023
