CU Boulder Reunions

At Homecoming Weekend last fall, nearly 480 people attended one of 10 affinity reunions — including 185 people at the Silver Buffs Marching Band reunion and 106 people at the CU Buffoons’ 60th-anniversary reunion. Other reunions were hosted by the Black, American Indian, and Latinx alumni clubs and CU Student Government. In addition, about 40 people attended the 50-Year and Golden Anniversary Club reunion, which included a private lunch at The Sink and an exclusive tour of campus.
“Attendees love to tell stories of their time on campus, revisit meaningful facilities, talk to former professors and learn about current campus culture,” said Sarah Lurie (Mgmt’20), local engagement program manager at the Alumni Association.
While Homecoming is the largest event for reunions to gather each year, groups can meet at other times. Last October, 19 alumni gathered in Bordeaux, France, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their study abroad experience. The Koenig Alumni Center, home of the Alumni Association, can also serve as a venue for reunions.
“With such a large alumni base at CU, reunions serve as a way to nurture special connections with smaller campus communities,” said Lurie.
Sign up to host a reunion here.
Photo by Dennis Blum