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What’s in the Ralphie Manager’s iPhone?

iphone showing Ralphie handler Taylor Stratton

Taylor Stratton (EBio, EnvSt, Geog’13) is program manager for the Ralphie Live Mascot Program. In her role, she tends to Ralphie V and Ralphie VI and coaches the Ralphie Handlers, student athletes who help care for the buffaloes and run with Ralphie VI during events. She also manages Ralphie’s transportation and social media — basically, she said, “any and all things Ralphie related!”

How soon after waking up do you look at your phone?

Pretty immediately to see if anything came in when I was sleeping.

Last person you called?

Ryan Newman, CU’s director of athletic grounds. He and his team keep all of the grass beautiful, and I work with him to schedule practice times with Ralphie.

Duration of longest call last week?

One minute – I left a message for the man we buy hay for Ralphie from.

The main thing you use your phone for?

I use my work phone for content creation, social media management, monitoring the weather, answering emails and talking to anybody for Ralphie-related things. My personal phone’s primary use is playing music. Ralphie VI is very familiar with the Turnpike Troubadours.

Location/situation of last selfie?

With Ralphie VI! She was being extra sweet and I caught her right as she was licking my face.

Lock screen or background image?

Baby Ralphie VI is the lock screen of my work phone.

How many hours were you on your phone last week?

More than I should have been!

Oldest photo on your phone?

The oldest photo on my personal phone is a picture of me, my horse and my grandparents when I was riding at the National Western Stock Show in 2008.

Phone model

iPhone XR with a black otterbox and screen protector

Most-Used Apps

Perry Weather, Twitter, Outlook

Most-Used Emoji

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Photos courtesy Taylor Stratton