Published: Nov. 13, 2015

Short Flightsµž²ā:ĢżJamesĢż³¢“Ē³Ü²µ³óĢż(Englā€™84) andĀ Alex SteinĀ (Englā€™98; MAā€™03)
Schaffner Press, Inc., 2015; 264 pages

A unique anthology that draws together the work and musings of our leading pioneers of short-form writing, this book features writers who take this time-honored literary form to new heights. Concise, wise and sometimes terse or humorous, aphorisms are short phrases that are often instructional or moralistic. With a brief introductory piece from each author and a generous sampling of each individualā€™s particular take on the aphorism, the reader is presented with a vast trove of wit, wisdom, insight, and inspiration, as well as new ways to look at language, words, and writing. From ā€œNothing dirtier than old soapā€ to ā€œHe doesnā€™t need imaginationā€”heā€™s got money,ā€ the writers expound upon their favorite adages. The contributors range from prize-winning poets Charles Simic and Stephen Dobyns to bestselling authors like James Geary, David Shields, and experimental writers such as Olivia Dresher and Yahia Lababidi.Ā Short FlightsĀ is sure to intrigue and delight all lovers of literature, language and wordplay.