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Charlotte Roderique speaking at CAW Modern Indian Identity Series

Burns Paiute Chairwoman Charlotte Rodrigue

The (CAW) will be featuring Former Burns Paiute Chairwoman, Charlotte Roderiquein January as part of their .A year ago, Former Chairwoman Roderiquecame to national attention during the armed takeover, led by Ammon and Ryan Bundy, of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. Originally part of the Paiute home territory, the Refuge holds many of the tribe’s sacred sites, as well as artifacts and natural resources laden with cultural meaning. In a press conference, followed by a New York Times editorial, the Former Chairwoman vigorously presented the tribe’s view of the takeover. Mocking the refuge occupiers’ demand that they should be recognized as the original owners of the public lands, the Burns Paiute people asserted their status as the original residents and brought attention to the remarkable cooperation among Native peoples, federal employees, and ranchers, that had been in place before the Bundys seized center-stage.

Burns Paiute Chairwoman Charlotte Rodrigue

“Charlotte Roderiqueis a forthright and inspirational leader, and also one of the American West’s most gifted practitioners in the art of using wit and humor to put fresh and disarming ideas into play,” Patty Limerick, Faculty Director of the Center of the American West, observed. “Anyone who joins us on February 21st will remember her visit for years to come.”

Date: Tues. Feb. 21, 2017

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Where: Benson Earth Sciences (BESC) 180

Free and open to the public