KUNC Colorado: "Colorado Edition: Algorithmic Identity"

Feb. 19, 2020

Featuring Information Science PhD student Morgan Klaus Scheuerman.

CU Boulder Today: "How social media makes breakups that much worse"

Feb. 19, 2020

Featuring Information Science PhD student Anthony Pinter and Jed Brubaker (Information Science faculty).

Mind Body Green: "Do You Need To Unfriend Or Block Your Ex On Social Media? Research Digs In"

Feb. 19, 2020

Featuring Information Science PhD student Anthony Pinter and Jed Brubaker (Information Science faculty).

Study Finds: "Thanks To Social Media, Breaking Up Is More Painful Than Ever"

Feb. 19, 2020

Featuring Information Science PhD student Anthony Pinter and Jed Brubaker (Information Science faculty).

Associated Press: "Pot shops turn to highway sponsor signs amid strict ad rules"

Feb. 17, 2020

Featuring Harsha Gangadharbatla (Strategic Communications faculty).

CBS Denver: "CU Boulder Study: Social Media Make Breaking Up Harder Than Ever"

Feb. 17, 2020

Featuring Information Science PhD student Anthony Pinter.

CU Boulder Today: "Brainwaves transcript: Breaking down blockbusters"

Feb. 17, 2020

Featuring Erin Espelie (Critical Media Practices faculty), Rick Stevens (Media Studies faculty) and Hunter Vaughan (Media Studies faculty).

Pac 12: "Kornieck Drafted Third Overall"

Feb. 12, 2020

Featuring CMCI student Taylor Kornieck

The Lilly: “Wonder why you see more naked women than men on-screen? Maybe you’re asking the wrong questionâ€

Feb. 10, 2020

Featuring Rachel Liberman (PhDComm'13)

Associated Press: “AP travels to the edge of America for start of the 2020 census in tiny Alaska townâ€

Feb. 10, 2020

By Gregory Bull (Jour'91)
