Carl A. Koval
Professor Emeritus • Institute Fellow Emeritus, RASEI
Chemistry • Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI)


..:Juniata College, summa cum laude, 1974
California Institute of Technology, 1979
Postdoctoral Fellow:Purdue University, 1978-80

Areas of Expertise

Renewable Energy, Membranes, Renewable Energy, Physical Inorganic Chemistry

Awards and Honors

ACS Colorado Section Award, 1996.
Faculty Fellowship, Council on Research and Creative Work, 1995/96
Visiting Associate Professor, California Institute of Technology. 1992
National Research Council Senior Research Associate, Solar Energy Research Institute, 1989

Christine E. Evans, Richard D, Noble, Carl A. Koval, “A nonmechanical, membrane-based liquid pressurization system,”Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.(2006)45, 472 -475.

Richard D. Noble and Carl A. Koval, “Review of Facilitated Transport Membranes,” Materials Science of Membranes for Gas and Vapor Separation, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. (2006) 411-435.

Mya A. Norman, Christine E. Evans, Anthony R. Fuoco, Richard D. Noble, Carl A. Koval, “Characterization of a Membrane-Based, Electrochemically Driven Pumping System Using Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions,”Anal. Chem.(2005)77, 6374-6380..

Paul Scovazzo, Joe Poshusta, Daniel DuBois, Carl Koval, Richard Noble, "Electrochemical Separation and Concentration of <1% Carbon Dioxide from Nitrogen,"J. Electrochem. Soc.,(2003)150, D91-98.

Paul Scovazzo, Ann E. Visser, James H. Davis, Jr., Robin D. Rogers, Carl A. Koval, Dan L. DuBois, and Richard D. Noble, " Supported Ionic Liquid Membranes and Facilitated Ionic Liquid Membranes,”ACS Sym. Ser.(2002) 818, 69-87.

Teresa L. Longin, Michelle L. Goyette, Carl A. Koval, "Liquid Membranes with Light Switches,"Chemical Innovation(2001)31, 23-30