- James and Catherine Patten Endowed Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department Chair

BSE Chemical Engineering, Princeton University, 1999
PhD Chemical Engineering, UC Santa Barbara, 2004
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Overall Achievement Award (2023)
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Service Award (2021)
- National Science Foundation Special Creativity Extension (2019)
- Fellow of the American Physical Society (2018)
- Blavatnik National Awards Finalist in Physical Sciences & Engineering (2018)
- Chaire Michelin, ESPCI (2016)
- Dudley A. Saville Lecturer, Princeton University (2014)
- American Physical Society John H. Dillon Medal (2014)
- Journal of Polymer Science Innovation Award (2013)
- DOE Early Career Award (2011)
- ACS Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry Unilever Award (2011)
- Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (2010)
- 3M Nontenured Faculty Award (2009-2011)
- ACS Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator Award (2009)
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2008)
Selected Publications
- D. Limberg, J.-H. Kang, R.C. Hayward, “Triplet–Triplet Annihilation Photopolymerization for High-Resolution 3D Printing”, JACS,144, 12, 5226-5232(2022).
- M. Lee, S. Perry, R.C. Hayward, “Complex Coacervation of Polymerized Ionic Liquids in Non-Aqueous Solvents”, ACS Polymers Au, 1, 100 (2021).
- H. Kim, S. Sundaram, N. Tanjeem, J.-H. Kang, T. Emrick, R.C. Hayward, “Coupled Oscillation and Spinning of Photothermal Particles in Marangoni Optical Traps”, PNAS, 118, e2024581118 (2021).
- A.S. Kuenstler, K.D. Clark, J. Read de Alaniz, R.C. Hayward, “Reversible Actuation via Photoisomerization-Induced Melting of a Semicrystalline Poly(Azobenzene)”, ACS Macro Letters9,902–909(2020).
- H. J. Kim, L. Paquin, C.W. Barney, S. So, B. Chen, Z. Suo, A.J. Crosby, R.C. Hayward, “Low-Voltage Reversible Electro-Adhesion of Ionoelastomer Junctions”, Advanced Materials, 32,2000600 (2020).
- H. J. Kim, B. Chen, Z. Suo, R.C. Hayward, “Ionoelastomer junctions between polymer networks of fixed anions and cations”, Science, 367, 773-776 (2020).
- J.-H. Kang, H. Kim, C.D. Santangelo, R.C. Hayward, "Enabling Robust Self‐Folding Origami by Pre‐Biasing Vertex Buckling Direction", Advanced Materials, 31, 1903006(2019). DOI:
- H. Kim, J.-H. Kang, Y. Zhou, A.S. Kuenstler, Y. Kim, C. Chen, T. Emrick, R.C. Hayward, “Light‐Driven Shape Morphing, Assembly, and Motion of Nanocomposite Gel Surfers”, Advanced Materials,31, 1900932(2019). DOI:
- D. Zeng, R.C. Hayward, “Effects of Randomly End-Linked Copolymer Network Parameters on the Formation of Disordered Cocontinuous Phases”, Macromolecules, 52, 2642–2650 (2019). DOI:
- A.S. Kuenstler, R.C. Hayward, “Light-Induced Shape Morphing of Thin Films”, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 40, 70-86 (2019). DOI:
Research Interests
Assembly of polymer and particle-based nanostructures; mechanics and instabilities of soft active materials.
Active polymer materials and interfaces
Our group works on a variety of projects related to soft and stimulus-responsive polymer films that can be dynamically reconfigured to change their structures and properties. We take advantage of mechanical instabilities and patterned growth as mechanisms to drive structural transformations.
Self assembly of polymers and particles
We study questions related to assembly of polymers and particles in a variety of contexts including emulsion processing, solution-state crystallization-driven assembly, and melt-state organization in nanocomposites. Our primary interests lie in developing approaches to tailor nanoscale structure for materials withapplications ranging from encapsulation and delivery to renewable energy.