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Student Summer Adventures

Summer '15 Adventures

Curious about how our undergraduate ChBE students spend their summers? Read about some summer ’15 experiences below.

Nathan Edwards

CBEN Junior

Experience: Internship at Arizona State University

Description: This past summer I worked on a portable digital PCR machine under the direction of Dr. Cody Youngbull. The project is in cooperation with the Monterey Bay Aquarium and is now being utilized by Southern California Coastal Water Research Project; these are two of the leading agencies in water research and safety. We developed one of the first continuous flow PCR instruments in the world and its portability gives PCR extended applications.

Best part: Listening to my extremely intelligent co-workers and superiors discuss new ideas and share their knowledge.

Madison Gallipo

CHEN Junior (pictured at a temple in Hanoi, Vietnam)

Experiences: Studied at the School of International Training (SIT) in Vietnam; also Internship at New Sky Energy

Description (SIT): Last spring and part of the summer, I participated in a field-based, study abroad program at SIT. For four months, I traveled with seventeen other US students around Vietnam, receiving in depth lectures and first-hand experience on Vietnamese cultural, societal, and economic development. I also conducted an Independent Study Project in a Vietnamese high school on students' perspectives on STEM.

Best part (SIT): Besides making great friends and traveling, I learned I can travel on my own and live in a place that has a completely different language and culture; this has made me a more independent, positive, and better person.

Description (New Sky): In June, I began an 8-month internship at New Sky Energy, a small clean chemical company that transforms various industrial waste streams into clean chemicals. As an R&D chemical engineering intern, I optimize our various gas scrubbing technologies and help with procurement of materials and equipment for various pilot projects.

Best part (New Sky): Being a part of everything that goes on at this small company, including R&D, engineering, economic modeling, procurement, fabrication, and H2S safety.

Rami Meharzi

CHEN Senior

Experience: Researcher at École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (“Mines ParisTech”)

Description: I worked at a French engineering school in the heart of Paris. My project involved using Python and Matlab to develop a large-scale simulation of domestic hot water heaters on a "smart" grid. Our paper on that project is currently under review by the French journalEnergy and Buildings. The majority of the work I did was in French, and so I was able to increase my fluency in the language significantly.

Best part: Living in the city of Paris and traveling around France and Europe throughout the summer.

Jenni Moon

CBEN Junior

Experience: Internship at Hongik University in Seoul, South Korea

Description:I investigated different methods to optimize the electricity generation output from a reverse electro dialysis cell (pictured). Matlab-generated code was also created in order to model the results and to compare them with the experimental data generated from the lab.

Best part: Being able to fully experience another culture and see how the world of chemical engineering functions within it.

Parker Nash

CBEN Senior

Experience: Competed in the World University Games in South Korea

Description: I participated in the World University Games as part of Team USA for Olympic-style shotgun shooting, specifically Bunker Trap and International Skeet. I competed alongside three other CU Shooting Sports Club members.

Best part: Being part of something so big, with 12,000 athletes from over 150 counties, as well as meeting people from all over the world.

Amy Resman

CHEN Junior

Experience: Internship at Shell in Anchorage, Alaska

Description: I moved to Anchorage, Alaska for six weeks to work for Shell Oil Company and it was the most adventurous summer of my life! Not only did I learn about how Shell operates, but I also hiked with bears and moose, kayaked on a glacial lake, and went deep-sea fishing and mountain biking. My position involved schedule risk analysis and it was wonderful to work with such an enjoyable team.

Best part: Spending time exploring the outdoors in a new place.