Nominations for 2023 are now being accepted until January 15, 2023.

The Global Engineering AwardsÌýrecognize a professional and a student whose work aligns with the Mortenson Center’s mission and vision. The awards seek to highlight the work of individuals who contribute to the field of global engineering. This encompasses not only those students and professionals in traditional engineering disciplines, with a focus on positive impact in low-resource settings, but also those who are in related disciplines that take a solutions-oriented approach to the same challenges - water, sanitation, energy, food, shelter, and infrastructure. These related disciplines include global health, environmental science, atmospheric science, agricultural science, geography, governance, policy and community advocacy.

The Mortenson Center in Global Engineering & Resilience engages in and combines education, research, and partnerships to positively impact vulnerable people and their environment by improving development tools and practice. Our vision is a world where everyone has safe water, sanitation, energy, food, shelter, and infrastructure. Our work toward this vision is guided by the following values:

  • We believe in improving lives through producing high-quality, actionable evidence.
  • We value partnerships with communities, governments, universities, businesses and nonprofits to align our skills and maximize impact.
  • We value professionally, culturally, economically and ethnically diverse, inclusive and relevant perspectives.
  • We don’t have all the answers, and we can’t do this alone. We value humility in our work.
  • We value evidence-based decision making in the application of tools and practices.
  • We act with integrity to protect those involved in our work and prioritize our community partners.

Nomination Process Information

Nominations for the 2023ÌýGlobal Engineering Awards will be accepted starting in NovemberÌý2022.Ìý


These awards seek to highlight the work of individuals who contribute to the field of global engineering. This encompasses not only those students and professionals in traditional engineering disciplines, with a focus on positive impact in low- and middle-income countries, but also those who are in related disciplines that take a solutions-oriented approach to the same challenges - water, sanitation, energy, food, shelter, and infrastructure. These related disciplines include global health, environmental science, atmospheric science, agricultural science, geography, governance, policy and community advocacy.


  • Currently enrolled in a degree program in engineering or a related discipline or have graduated from such a program within the last two years;
  • Engaged in education, research and/or practice that aligns with the Mortenson Center’s mission and vision; and
  • ​Has demonstrated a commitment to improving development tools and practice to achieve positive impact.


  • Currently working in a field of engineering or in a related discipline;
  • Engaged in education, research and/or practice that aligns with the Mortenson Center’s mission and vision; and
  • Has demonstrated a commitment to improving development tools and practice to achieve positive impact.

Supporting Documents

The following supporting documents should be included in the nomination package:

  • Two letters of support (one page each) explaining why the nominee should be considered for the award, and
  • The nominee’s resume or curriculum vitae.

Nomination Submission

Once materials are submitted they will remain in the nomination pool for three years. Additional materials on the nominee can be submitted each year to update the nomination. IfÌý letters are provided in another language, please also provideÌýa translated version. Any questions can be submittedÌýby email to the Mortenson Center ManagingÌýDirector Laura MacDonald:Ìý

Recipient Notification

Recipients of the 2023ÌýGlobal Engineering Awards will be notified in February, 2023Ìýand the awards will take place March 9, 2023 in Boulder, Colorado.

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