Homestake Creek

GWC helps to lead the effort for a new wetland protection program in Colorado

Dec. 7, 2023

Andrew Teegarden 's policy brief discusses the recent Sackett decision from the Supreme Court and the steps that the State of Colorado must take to fill the new regulatory gap. Heather Sackett, Aspen Journalism , picked up on Andrew’s policy brief in a story about the Sackett issue, and that...

Newsletter front cover

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Nov. 21, 2023

Featured Articles: Western Water Policy Program Looks to the Future New Conscience Bay Company Western Water Policy Fellowship 15th Annual Schultz Lecture with Pilar Thomas Alumni Spotlight: Wyss Scholar, Johnsie Wilkinson Water Law Fellows Frannie Monasterio and Andrew Teegarden Getches-Green Law Clinic Acequia Assistance Project Celebrating the Life of Charles...

GWC Team

2023 Match Challenge for the Getches-Wilkinson Center

Nov. 15, 2023

Right now, we all have a unique opportunity to support the Getches-Wilkinson Center by making a donation before the end of the year. Thanks to the generosity of Dean Lolita Buckner Inniss and Don Brown, Chair of the Advisory Council, and his wife Karen, every donation up to $20,000 that...

Andrew Teegarden

Uncertain Future: How Conditional Water Rights can impact the Prior Appropriation System

Nov. 3, 2023

I recently had the opportunity to speak during the Reshaping the River: Reimagining Water Use and Management in the Upper Colorado River Basin Forum that was held in Grand Junction, CO on October 30-31 st . During the conference, I gave a presentation entitled Uncertain Future: How Conditional Rights can...

Scholarship and Fellowship Outreach

GWC Scholarship and Fellowship Programs Lunch and Learn

Oct. 27, 2023

Over 40 CU Law students joined The Getches-Wilkinson Center on Thursday, October 26th for a delicious lunch and to hear from current GWC Scholar and Fellows. Information on the various scholarships and fellowships and instructions on how to apply for a Summer 2024 or Academic Year 24/25 Scholarship or Fellowship...

Lauren Ris

Q & A with Lauren Ris, Director of the Colorado Water Conservation Board

Oct. 27, 2023

Lauren Ris was selected this summer to be the Director of the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) after seven years as the Deputy Director. The CWCB represents each major water basin in the state and other state agencies in a joint effort to use water wisely and protect Colorado's water...

Organizing Team

Environmental Law Networking Event

Oct. 26, 2023

On Tuesday, October 24th the Environmental Law Society (ELS), Getches-Wilkinson Center, and Career Development Office (CDO) co-hosted an Environmental Law Networking Happy Hour for current students and lawyers working in the environmental law space! It was such a great evening of networking and connection. We had over 70 individuals attend,...

Andrew Teegarden

Will Colorado Fill the Gaps in the Post-Sackett World?

Oct. 26, 2023

Introduction The Supreme Court’s decision in the Sackett case earlier this year dramatically altered the regulatory framework for wetlands, ephemeral waters, and intermittent streams in the United States. Now, there is a two-step process in determining whether a water is subject to the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) jurisdiction. First,...

Heather Tanana

Congressional Hearing Addresses Tribal Access to Clean Water

Oct. 18, 2023

On Wednesday, September 27, 2023, the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs held an oversight hearing on Tribal water access. The hearing focused on the continuing water security challenges that Tribes and indigenous people face throughout the United States. Disparities and underinvestment in water infrastructure between Native Americans and non-Native Americans...

Pilar Thomas

15th Annual Schultz Lecture in Energy

Oct. 6, 2023

The Getches-Wilkinson Center and American Indian Law Program co-hosted the 15th Annual Schultz Lecture : The Road to Tribal Clean Energy Transition is Paved With Sovereign Action . On October 5, 2023, the Getches-Wilkinson Center was proud to co-host Pilar Thomas for the 15th Annual Schultz Lecture in Energy in...
