Michael Gooseff
- Professor
- Associate Dean for Research
ECAD 108
Engineering Center (Dean's Office)
1111 Engineering Dr., Boulder, CO 80309
Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex
4001 Discovery Drive, Boulder, CO 80303
- PhD, University of Colorado Boulder, 2001
- MS, University of Colorado Boulder, 1998
- BCE, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1996
Honors and Distinctions:
- Robert L. Stearns Award, CU Boulder Alumni Association, 2022
- Research Development Award, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, CU Boulder, 2019
- Fellow of the Geological Society of America, 2017
- 2012 Penn State Engineering Alumni Association Outstanding Teaching Award
- Harry West Teaching Award, 2011-2012 (Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Penn State University)
- National Academy of Engineering Frontiers in Engineering Education Symposium, 2011 (one of 65 selected participants from Engineering programs across the US)
- UCOWR Award for Education and Public Service to the MOCHA team, 2011
Professional Affiliations:
- American Geophysical Union
- Ecological Society of America
- American Society of Limnology & Oceanography
- Stream-groundwater interactions
- Contaminant transport and fate
- Polar earth system responses to climate change
- Ecosystem processes in polar landscapes
- Aquatic biogeochemical cycling
- Water quality modeling
Recent Publications:
* indicates student author
- *Bergstrom, A, KA Welch, and MN Gooseff. 2023. . Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 128, e2022JF006980.
- Ward, AS, SM Wondzell, MN Gooseff, TP Covino, S Herzog, B McGlynn, and RA Payn. 2023. Water Resources Research, 59(3): e2022WR032736.
- *Blaskey, D, JC Koch, MN Gooseff, AJ Newman, Y Cheng, JA O'Donnell, and KN Musselman. 2023. . Environmental Research Letters, 18(2): 024042. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/acb661.
- González-Pinzón, R, *J Dorley, *J Singley, K Singha, M Gooseff, and T Covino. 2022. Environmental Modelling & Software, 156: 105504.
- Hudson, AR, DPC Peters, JM Blair, DL Childers, PT Doran, K Geil, M Gooseff, KL Gross, NM Haddad, MA Pastore, JA Rudgers, O Sala, EW Seabloom, and G Shaver. 2022. . BioScience, 72(9): 889-907.
- *Singley, JG, K Singha, MN Gooseff, R González-Pinzón, TP Covino, AS Ward, J Dorley, and ES Hinckley. 2022. Hydrological Processes, 36(10): e14713.
- Hensley, R, J Singley, and M Gooseff. 2022. . Hydrological Processes, 35(9): e14700.
- *Torrens, CL, MN Gooseff, and DM McKnight. 2022. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127, e2021JG006649, doi: 1029/2021JG006649.
- Gooseff, MN, DM McKnight, PT Doran, and A Fountain. 2022. . Hydrological Processes, 36(6), e14623, doi: 10.1002/hyp.14623.
- *Emanuelson, K, T Covino, AS Ward, *J Dorley, and M Gooseff. 2022. . Hydrological Processes, 36(4): e14564, doi: 10.1002/hyp14564.
- Levy, JS, AG Fountain, MK Obryk, J Telling, C Glennie, R Pettersson, M Gooseff, and DJ Van Horn. 2018. . Geomorphology, 323: 80-97.
- *Wlostowski, AN, MN Gooseff, and BJ Adams. 2018. . Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 123(1): 46-59.
- *Webb, RW, SR Faccnacht, and MN Gooseff. 2018. . The Cryosphere, 12: 287-300.
- Pai, H, HF Malenda, MA Briggs, K Singha, R Gonzalez-Pinzon, MN Gooseff, SW Tyler, and AirCTEMPS Team. 2017. , Geophysical Research Letters, 44(23): 11,868-11,877.
- Gooseff, MN, JE Barrett, BA Adams, PT Doran, AG Fountain, WB Lyons, DM McKnight, JC Priscu, ER Sokol, C Takacs-Vesbach, ML Vandegehuchte, RA Virginia, and DH Wall. 2017. . Nature Ecology & Evolution, doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0253-0.
- Fountain, AG, JC Fernandez-Diaz, M Obryk, J Levy, M Gooseff, DJ Van Horn, P Morin, and R Shrestha. 2017. . Earth System Science Data, 9, 435-443.
- Geyer KM, CD Takacs-Vesbach, MN Gooseff, and JE Barrett. 2017. PeerJ, 5:e3377
- *Singley, JG, *AN Wlostowski, *AJ Bergstrom, ER Sokol, *CL Torrens, C Jaros, *CE Wilson, *PJ Hendrickson, and MN Gooseff. 2017. . Water Resources Research, 53(3): 4124-4141.
- Ward, AS, NM Schmadel, SM Wondzell, MN Gooseff, and K Singha. 2017. . Water Resources Research, 53(3): 3988-4003.
- *Webb, RW, SR Fassnacht, and MN Gooseff. 2017. . Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 53(3): 684-696.