Non-CAS events, job postings, funding and other opportunities

AAS-SSRC Dissertation Workshop

Dec. 1, 2021

AAS-SSRC Dissertation Workshop Demographics, Migration, and Transnational Flows March 22-24, 2022 | Honolulu, HI

CALL FOR APPLICATION: Rosenberg Institute Scholar

Nov. 16, 2021

The Rosenberg Institute for East Asian Studies at Suffolk University Boston welcomes applications from scholars who wish to be considered for a short term appointment as a Rosenberg Institute Scholar. This nonresidential appointment is for those who wish to complete a research paper or project on a topic of contemporary...

2022 Crit?i?cal Lan?guage Schol?ar?ship - due 11/16

Nov. 15, 2021

The appli?ca?tion for the 2022 Crit?i?cal Lan?guage Schol?ar?ship (CLS) Pro?gram is open! CLS wel?comes Amer?i?can stu?dents to apply now to learn a crit?i?cal for?eign lan?guage next sum?mer on a ful?ly-fund?ed study abroad program. The appli?ca?tion is now live and avail?able online at: Appli?ca?tions are due Tues?day, Novem?ber 16, 2021...

Event - The Russian Language in Post-Soviet Space: Kazakhstan and Others

Nov. 9, 2021

Sayat Temirbekov Instructor of Russian and Geography The Russian Language in Post-Soviet Space: Kazakhstan and Others Sayat Temirbekov will discuss the Russian language in Kazakhstan and elsewhere beyond the borders of the Russian Federation: its historic spread, current status in post-Soviet republics, and economic, political, and cultural factors in developments...

PPFP Postdoctoral Fellowship in Asian Diaspora Studies/Asian American Studies

Nov. 8, 2021

Penn State is now accepting applications for a PPFP Postdoctoral Fellowship in Asian Diaspora Studies/Asian American Studies. Deadline is December 1 . For more information, please visit: .

THI members Natalie Avalos and Dawa Lokyitsang on "Decolonizing Himalayan Studies"

Oct. 29, 2021

THI members Natalie Avalos and Dawa Lokyitsang are both featured speakers in a Tibet & Himalaya Lecture series on "Decolonzing Himalayan Studies" through Humboldt University. The Zoom link to register is: Decolonisation is a concern that is extending into various areas of academic discourse and knowledge production. In an...

CFP: SEAP Graduate Conference

Oct. 28, 2021

Find CFP here

Job Postings for JASC members Please see two job openings at the office of the Consulate General of Japan in Denver

Oct. 27, 2021

Event: Hannah Arendt in Chang’an The Making of the Homo Philologus in Early Imperial China

Oct. 26, 2021

This talk explores the sociopolitical implications of what Xu Jianwei 徐建委 terms the “Textual Revolution” of the Western Han (202 BCE–9 CE). Under the helm of Liu Xiang 劉向 (79/78–8BCE) and Liu Xin 劉歆 (46 BCE–23 CE), scribes and scholars of the Han imperial library recast the fluid “open sources”...

Event: Nishant Upadhyay: Spaces of Extraction, Proximities, and Complicities: Indians and Canadian Settler Colonialism

Oct. 20, 2021

Geography Department Colloquium – Oct 22 @ 3:30pm Gugg 205 Nishant Upadhyay: Spaces of Extraction, Proximities, and Complicities: Indians and Canadian Settler Colonialism Please see our website for the abstract and the latest information about this talk Nishant Upadhyay: Spaces of Extraction, Proximities, and Complicities: Indians and Canadian Settler Colonialism...
