CESR Business Solutions to Environmental Challenges /business/ en ClimateCAP Centers Sustainability as a Core Business Strategy /business/cesr/insights-news/2022/03/07/climatecap-centers-sustainability-core-business-strategy ClimateCAP Centers Sustainability as a Core Business Strategy Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 03/07/2022 - 16:53 Categories: CESR Blog Tags: CESR Blog CESR Business Solutions to Environmental Challenges Justine Roberts

Climate is strategy - , Chief Sustainability and Transformation Officer at Albertsons

Last week, Kathryn Wendell and Justine Roberts from CESR traveled to Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management for , the MBA conference focused on business solutions to the climate challenge. Over 150 MBA students, staff and faculty gathered with industry leaders to discuss corporate policy work around climate, sustainable finance, and weaving sustainability into the business school curriculum. It was exciting to hear companies like Patagonia, General Motors, Albertsons and others talk about their commitments to environmental and equity initiatives. Below are some of the key take-aways from the conference:

Demand is Growing 


If we don’t act now we won’t have the luxury of asking when because it will be too late,

says , SVP, Customer Development, Unilever

While many businesses have a specialist who manages sustainability, such as a Chief Sustainability Officer, presenters at this conference argued that increasingly everyone’s job will involve thinking about climate change in one form or another. To stay below 2 degrees warming will require involved shareholders, ethical managers, visionary leadership, policies that support change, industry transformation, and more. Everyone, regardless of their role in the business world, needs to know what the important sustainability questions are to ask, about current reporting frameworks, and have an awareness of trends necessary to bring change and progress. Sustainability is, therefore, a management challenge and MBAs have an opportunity to lead.

Sustainability and Innovation are Linked 

Sustainability, as a business input, has the potential to shape consumer demand, reduce supply chain risk, and impact how companies access and scale their use of materials. In other words, it can be a key part of a business resiliency strategy. “Capital markets care about how ‘green’ becomes a transformative lever,” says Suzanne Long. “We need to build sustainability into the heart of the business model, as part of our competitive advantage.”


ESG is linked to strategy and is core to our business,

says , Senior Manager Environmental Strategies and Sustainability at GM

, Interim Executive Director, Vote Solar agrees that “the path forward requires innovation, new business models and financial tools.” He argues that “there is no path that does not require investment.” 

For , Senior Vice President at Aligned Climate Capital and Founder of GreenTech Noir,  the need for innovation also means we need an inclusive approach and broad participation in the conversation. “Diversity makes us smarter and decarbonization requires that kind of thinking. It is the world's most complicated problem,” she says.

A Just Transition is Critical


We must embed equity and access into everything climate,

says , Senior Partnerships Manager, Equity & Access, Elemental Excelerator

The  report has documented that women are more impacted by climate change than men, as are communities of color and the Global South, and that inequities magnify the risks of climate change. Nneka Kibuule believes that instability in any part of the world will cause instability elsewhere. “We must find a way to stay below 2 degrees warming and address the impact of climate change on our communities in just and equitable ways that take into account the real disparities that people around the world experience,” she says.

We Must Work Together 

Acting on climate risk means looking at whole systems, rather than trying to optimize separate components individually, and requires that everyone participates in the work. For , Head of Strategic Planning at Patagonia success means prioritizing operationalizing sustainability in every aspect of their business, rather than growth.This has led them to new partnerships, such as working with appliance makers to reduce the amount of microplastics that result from washing their clothing. , Partner at Bain and Co. says this is also true in the energy development space where “customers, communities, investors and startups must all work together.”


Climate risk is the uniting call of our time,

says , COO & Co-Founder, Persefoni

Customers cannot be left out of the conversation. , Global Vice President, Corporate Affairs, at Mars Wrigley, emphasizes that  “customers are keepers for the product.”  , Partner, GroundedWorld says the way to do this is through transparency and bringing stakeholders with you on the journey. “Be honest about your challenges and your goals,” she advises.

Get Involved at Leeds

CESR runs programs for undergraduate and MBA students committed to a low carbon future. We partner with companies in the clean energy transition, the natural and organic food sector, and impact finance throughout the year. If you are interested in participating as a speaker in one of our programs, a judge or underwriter of a case competition, or a Trek stop for our students to learn more about your company, please contact Justine Roberts.

And if you are looking for professional development opportunities, we are pleased to share two executive education programs we offer. 

Over 150 MBA students, staff and faculty gathered with industry leaders gathered at Climate CAP 2022 to discuss corporate policy work around climate, sustainable finance, and weaving sustainability into the business school curriculum. Traditional 0 On White ]]>
Mon, 07 Mar 2022 23:53:23 +0000 Anonymous 16755 at /business
CESR Fellows Launches Leeds Undergrads on Sustainable Business Careers /business/cesr/insights-news/2022/01/10/cesr-fellows-launches-leeds-undergrads-sustainable-business-careers CESR Fellows Launches Leeds Undergrads on Sustainable Business Careers Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 01/10/2022 - 09:47 Categories: CESR Blog Tags: CESR Blog CESR Business Solutions to Environmental Challenges CESR Undergraduate Stories Justine Roberts

A huge part of what the Fellows provided me was exposure to ideas and resources that changed how I was looking at my business education. - Liliana Busse

Leeds offers many opportunities for students to take on leadership roles, hone their communication skills, and build professional networks. Among these are clubs, such as the undergraduate club CESR Fellows, which are run by and for students. With a focus on sustainability, CESR Fellows student leaders develop speaker programs for their peers and host conversations about environmental and social impact in the business world. In the process, they gain valuable knowledge about impact oriented business, and how to build a business career centered on their values.

This year’s CESR Fellows leadership includes:

  • (‘21), runs member outreach and graduated in December with a degree in finance and operations management.
  • (‘22), Director of Finance, with an emphasis in finance and real estate.
  • (‘22), Director of Committee Affairs, has a marketing emphasis with the Social Responsibility and Ethics (SRE) Certificate.
  • (‘22), Director of Operations, has an emphasis in operations management and the Social Responsibility and Sustainability (SRS) management track, and a minor in political science. 
  • , (‘22), Director of Strategic Engagement is a dual degree environmental studies and business major, with an emphasis in accounting, with the SRE Certificate. 
  • (‘21), Marketing Director, graduated in December with an emphasis in marketing and the SRE Certificate. 

Why join CESR Fellows

CESR Fellows leaders have, for the most part, been members of the club for a couple of years. They found the club easy to join by attending an event, and quickly discovered the Fellows were a welcoming community of like-minded peers, not just a series of educational programs. Not all CESR Fellows leaders knew about corporate social responsibility (CSR) when they first joined the club. For Montse, one of the ideas that captured her interest and convinced her to be more involved was learning how to “use my values through my business degree.”

As they became more familiar with sustainability and business, each recognized club leadership as an avenue to deeper understanding. Kat got involved with Ralphie’s Closet, a student-run free “shop” stocked with donated professional clothing for students who cannot afford to purchase business attire. She appreciated that “the opportunity for community engagement came with lots of opportunities for growth, and for meeting people both in the business school and outside of it.”

Maxime also found that CESR Fellows gave her the opportunity to develop a close connection with CESR staff and the Social Responsibility and Sustainability Division (SRS) faculty.

CESR Fellows enhances the college experience

Being part of CESR Fellows has had a significant impact on all of the club leaders’ academic and post-graduation trajectories. For Maxime, the Fellows were instrumental in helping her know it was possible to have a career in CSR.


CESR Fellows’ internship panels and guest speakers help students see what it looks like to work in CSR.

Maxime Brandt

Many of the Fellows leadership found internships through other club members, and in some cases even lined up a job offer through the club’s network. Maxime found her first internship, at a vegan natural foods brand, through a CESR Fellows member. She then spent two summers interning at . While that internship did not come through the club, she was asked about CESR and the Fellows in all of her interviews. Lena also found that being part of the CESR Fellows allowed her to stand out in interviews when applying to her internship at . Montse had a similar experience while interviewing for her first internship with marketing consultancy  where talking about her experience at the club and what she does there helped her stand out.

Liliana joined CESR Fellows her freshman year. Through the club she had an opportunity to work on a carbon accounting project. That exposed her to the energy consulting firm where she then did an internship in their infrastructure program. She is graduating with a full time offer to return to Guidehouse next fall.


For each of the club leaders, being part of CESR Fellows has been rewarding in a different way. Lena’s favorite experience in CESR Fellows was through a Carbon Neutrality Committee (CNC) project to produce a video on recycling and composting in the dorms. She was able to collaborate with senior management at CU and came away with a tangible product that she is proud of.

Montse mentioned a trek to her first year in the Club. She saw first hand how a company doing business in a responsible manner can drive sales and consumer loyalty. 

Jack was excited about a recent volunteer project picking up trash in partnership with the CU Colorado Ocean Coalition Club. They tallied the brands they saw represented among litter near campus, and then sent information to the relevant companies about their impact on the local community. 

Maxime and Kat both spoke about the responsibility and opportunity of being part of the leadership team. They have appreciated being able to build community and grow engagement in CSR through club events, and to use what they have learned to give back to other students. "There are people who believe that business is simply not good for the environment," Maxime says. "It is great for students to know that business has a place in this conversation."

Advice for new students


I recommend trying things to figure out your fit, but then dedicate your time and develop meaningful relationships in an area you really care about.

Jack Verhenkamp

All of the CESR Fellows leaders want to encourage other students to invest their time and energy into their passions, not just things that will build their resumes. Kat was moved by a talk the Fellows hosted in Fall 2021 by Mark Jackson. His central message, Kat said, was “we might not all end up in sustainability roles but it is great to show your passion because employers are looking for real people, not just meeting criteria on a job description.” Montse agreed that being a CESR Fellows “communicates something about yourself and what you want to do in your future.”

The Fellows leadership team all appreciated the advantages that came with club leadership. With so many unique opportunities available at Leeds it can be hard for students to choose a focus. But, Lena says “you get out what you put in, and it is more rewarding to be in the leadership than to just attend three meetings.” 

Plans for spring 2022


There is a place for anyone and everyone in the CESR Fellows. We are a diverse and welcoming community and enjoy spending time together. That is what I think of when I think of CESR Fellows.

Liliana Busse

Although they are graduating, and looking toward the future, the CESR Fellows leadership have big plans for this semester. Perhaps the most important effort is to identify juniors who are interested in taking over next year, and training them. They will also be sending out a poll to identify student priorities and interests for events. Jack emphasizes that “what we do is shaped by the executive team but also by the members. So join and play a part in shaping the direction of the club and what its future can be.” 

To apply to be on the CESR Fellows Executive Board please fill out .

Leeds clubs offers opportunities for students to take on leadership roles, hone their communication skills, and build professional networks. CESR Fellows student leaders develop speaker programs for their peers and host conversations about environmental and social impact in the business world..

Traditional 0 On White ]]>
Mon, 10 Jan 2022 16:47:51 +0000 Anonymous 16637 at /business
Leeds MBA Helps Make Buildings More Environmentally and Financially Sustainable /business/cesr/insights-news/2021/11/12/leeds-mba-helps-make-buildings-more-environmentally-and-financially-sustainable Leeds MBA Helps Make Buildings More Environmentally and Financially Sustainable Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 11/12/2021 - 20:39 Categories: CESR Blog Tags: CESR Blog CESR Business Solutions to Environmental Challenges CESR MBA Stories Justine Roberts

The Leeds School of Business MBA program prepared me with necessary tools to accelerate my career in sustainability. - Jessica Pearson

(MBA ‘18), came to Leeds to explore how companies can communicate their sustainability strategies. She had a background in the natural products industry in marketing, and wanted to use her skill set to help companies do better by setting difficult goals and holding themselves accountable. While in school she realized that real estate offered an environment in which she could have a visible and measurable impact on her community. Today, she is a Sustainability Consultant with , a B Corp which provides “sustainability consulting, energy and performance engineering, and real estate and workplace solutions.” They work with clients on finding financially sustainable ways to meet environmental goals.

Making the built environment more sustainable

After graduation Jess worked for , a private developer, focused on energy management. She was attracted to the idea of net zero construction. The biggest projects Jess worked on were the Boulder Commons located near the new transit center in North Boulder, and 30Pearl with.These projects took a holistic approach to sustainability from the energy systems to the location to the construction techniques, and including the clientele which was lower income and underserved populations in the housing market. 

Jess learned a lot from this work. One of her insights was that she wanted to focus on existing buildings, where the physical and environmental impacts had already happened, and do the hard work of making those structures more environmentally friendly. 


As a consultant at Stok, I am actively making a positive impact on the sustainability strategy of organizations and the sustainability of the built environment. I am so grateful to be part of a team that is committed to a radically better world for all.

Jess Pearson

After Morgan Creek Ventures, Jess took on the role of Energy and Sustainability Manager at the  (SVVSD). With a portfolio of over 50 buildings, ranging in age from 2 - 50 years old, Jess was responsible for a wide range of building systems and needs with a mandate to improve the District’s energy use. She also managed programs including landfill diversion and waste contracts. Jess established ambitious targets for sustainability, analyzed building improvement plans, applied for available rebates, and conducted educational programming for students about what sustainability looks like in the classroom. 

A large part of her job was operational energy management. Jess approached her work as a series of upgrades that plugged into existing construction timelines. For example, putting in low flow toilets when bathrooms were being renovated. 

Resources at Leeds

While at Leeds, Jess had a mentor, and got connected with her job at Morgan Creek Ventures through that relationship. She also took advantage of Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility (CESR) networking opportunities and events, and ran the Net Impact club in her second year. Jess says that these extracurricular activities taught her hard skills, like how to do impact reporting, and gave her leadership opportunities that complemented her classes. 

The CU Real Estate Center (CUREC) also offers a graduate level Sustainable Real Estate course which is available as one of their electives. In this class, students learn strategies, tools and techniques for managing growth and land use in a changing world. 

Jess made a promise to herself that as soon as she felt settled she would give back to somebody else. She is looking forward to the day when she can serve as a mentor for the next CESR student.

Jessica Pearson, Leeds MBA 2018, works with property owners to make their buildings more environmentally and financially sustainable. Traditional 0 On White ]]>
Sat, 13 Nov 2021 03:39:52 +0000 Anonymous 16487 at /business
CSR and ESG Job Opportunities are on the Rise: Certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility Gets Candidates Ready /business/cesr/insights-news/2021/10/18/csr-and-esg-job-opportunities-are-rise-certificate-corporate-social-responsibility-gets CSR and ESG Job Opportunities are on the Rise: Certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility Gets Candidates Ready Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 10/18/2021 - 14:53 Categories: CESR Blog Tags: CESR Blog CESR Business Solutions to Environmental Challenges CESR Executive Education News Justine Roberts

The Certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR) gave me the initial push to apply for a new ESG role at my company and CSR/ESG insight, in a hopeful, insightful and exciting atmosphere. (CCSR '21), moving from the IT Consulting branch of Deloitte over to the ESG Consulting team 

There is increasing momentum in the business world to embrace impact and sustainability, resulting in the growth of jobs in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) management. 


The demand for analysts, strategists and others knowledgeable about environmental, social and governance issues has never been higher — far more than the current supply of qualified humans. 

Joel Makower, Inside the war for ESG talent,

CSR jobs are here to stay

Many factors contribute to the growing momentum in CSR. Current events, including COVID, climate change and the urgent need to address racial justice, have led to conversations about the role of business in society. Even businesses with CSR departments and which publish an annual CSR report, from to , are recognizing they must play a more active role in addressing social problems and environmental threats.

At the same time, regulations and corporate pledges are creating a new operating environment with a greater focus on equity and inclusion, and on the linkages between climate change, governance issues, and corporate risk. In January, 2020 Goldman Sachs CEO, David Solomon, said Goldman would require all companies it helps go public to have Shortly after that, in June of 2021, theredefined its scope to encompass ESG, climate, incentive-based compensation and shareholder democracy, among other issues. 

The third major factor is consumer behavior. Whether as shoppers or employees, people are insisting that companies incorporate sustainability, CSR and DEI strategies throughout their business, and not just in their marketing campaigns. 

For many companies, the idea that they can do well by doing good helped launch social and environmental programs, and they have used these to help build their brands. Today, companies are increasingly aware that there are financial risks to “greenwashing” or “impact washing” - from consumer boycotts to employee turnover to rising costs - and learning that they must . 

There are more CSR and ESG jobs than qualified people


It feels like we have reached a tipping point around CSR. More and more companies are responding to the expectations of employees, customers, and investors that they take action on social and environmental issues. And they are hiring and/or promoting folks into CSR leadership roles to meet those expectations.

Pete Dignan, Adjunct Instructor, CCSR

There is a deep need for trained CSR professionals who can help shape strategy, know what data to collect and how to design systems to gather and analyze it, who understand how CSR touches each function of a business and who can make the case for why CSR programs matter ethically and as part of a corporate risk management plan.

CSR and ESG programs are growing across industries

In 2020, more than of the largest 250 U.S. companies published a CSR report. This number has been steadily increasing over the past 15 years (64% reported on CSR in 2005).

The consultancy Price Waterhouse Cooper (PwC) announced an in the next five years, including the launch of “trust leadership institutes” which will focus on training clients in ESG, a sign that they see this issue as central to all successful business in the future.

There is a lot of work to be done

The movement toward championing CSR is visible in the and the where many companies are making public commitments to reducing their carbon footprint, addressing racial equity, and stopping climate change. At the same time, as Kenneth P. Pucker, a senior lecturer at the Fletcher School at Tufts University and former chief operating officer at Timberland shows , even companies that have highly visible environmental and social impact initiatives are often not grappling with negative impacts in other parts of their supply chain and actively lobby against regulation.

CCSR prepares professionals to work CSR and ESG

The CCSR program has been supporting this movement and training professionals since 2016. Numerous alumni of CCSR have transitioned their roles within their companies to incorporate CSR responsibilities, launched CSR initiatives at work, and moved into new roles focused on CSR. , Co-Owner and Senior Director of Employee Experience & Social Impact at Namaste Solar, was one of the creators of CCSR. “When we co-designed the program our goal was to provide practical training and the opportunity to strengthen connections with people in the Denver/Boulder area who had CSR roles or interest. Five years ago, it was often a lonely position to be in CSR. It is a joy to see the program thriving today, responding to ever-increasing acceptance of CSR as a business imperative,” she says.

(CCSR ‘20) recently took on the role of Senior Associate, Strategic Partnerships-Forum for Community Solutions at The Aspen Institute after spending four years working on social impact as National Partnerships Advisor at Casey Family Programs. “I appreciated learning about CSR as a business strategy and discussing how increasing diversity and building inclusive environments has the potential to spur innovation, increase equity, and build cohesion,” Cindy says when reflecting on her CCSR class.

(CCSR ‘29), also moved into a CSR role after taking CCSR. She spent just over three years as a Manager of Disaster Recovery and Humanitarian Aide at SES Networks, and ten months ago became their Senior Manager, Social and Environmental Impact. Amber believes that some day everyone in all companies will be thinking about purpose, and how their decisions are advancing the general good. For those who want to get started on their CSR journey today, there is CCSR.

To register, or learn more about the class including scheduling a time to chat with one of our Instructors, please visit us online.

There is a deep need for trained CSR professionals who can help shape strategy, know what data to collect and how to design systems to gather and analyze it, who understand how CSR touches each function of a business and who can make the case for why CSR programs matter ethically and as part of a corporate risk management plan. Traditional 0 On White ]]>
Mon, 18 Oct 2021 20:53:30 +0000 Anonymous 16425 at /business
Robyn O’Brien is Funding the Future of Food /business/cesr/insights-news/2021/08/23/robyn-obrien-funding-future-food Robyn O’Brien is Funding the Future of Food Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 08/23/2021 - 09:25 Categories: CESR Blog Tags: CESR Blog CESR Business Solutions to Environmental Challenges CESR Community Connections Justine Roberts

RePlant Capital is a new financial services firm, providing catalytic capital to help finance the transition to regenerative practices. Robyn O'Brien, one of the founders, is deeply involved with Leeds which gives our students an opportunity to be part of the future of food.  

is one of the founders of , a financial services firm determined to reverse climate change by deploying a series of proprietary funds to facilitate U.S. farmers’ transition to regenerative and organic agriculture. She is working  to make our food more nutritious, our soil more resilient, and our future more sustainable through a new model of financial investment. She has been a long time supporter of Leeds and the CESR), serving as a speaker, mentor, and employer. She is also a founding member of the Natural and Organic Roundtable, a group of local business leaders who serve as advisors to the Natural and Organic Pathway for MBAs at Leeds. 

In this interview, Robyn talks about how she got started in her work, how the conversation has changed over the past 12 years, what she has learned about driving change, and how her work allows her to leverage her whole self - her background as a financial analyst and her personal history as a mother, her deep analytic and economic skill set and her commitment to healthy food - in the work of finding solutions to critically important challenges.

Why did you found RePlant Capital? What problem were you trying to solve?

Replant was established by three co-founders. , private equity investment company focused on , and me. We are a new kind of financial services firm that is designed to support companies which are making multi-year investments to transition their supply chains away from the agrochemical model towards more regenerative and organic methods of farming.
After getting my MBA at Rice I worked for an investment team that managed $20 billion in assets. I was the only woman on the small and mid cap team, and I was given food and consumer product industry accounts, as well as a handful of others, to cover as an analyst. It was presumed that the primary purchaser of household items was female and so I would understand the consumer goods category best. I learned how these companies were driving margins, the pressures management teams were under and the constraints they were working with. I brought all of that to my work in the years that followed, managing my own strategic consulting firm, Do Good, and then  when we launched RePlant Capital.

 After I learned that my fourth child had an allergy, I began looking at food differently. The combination of being a mom, and my skills in finance, economics and accounting meant that when I spoke about processed food and additives in our food chain people listened. I was showing up with data and passion. It was a 360 degree skill set from motherhood to finance to food. 

As I spoke out, there were some multinational executives who began reaching out to tell me they knew as a CEO and as a parent that what I was saying was true, but they did not know how to address it. So 12 years ago I started consulting with companies to help them design smarter portfolios for the 21st century, to meet our needs as families.

It soon became clear that the supply chain was stuck. Consumers were asking for better-for-you products, free from sugar or added color - but the supply chain was designed around making the cheapest, highest processed food with the highest margin. Redesigning the supply chain is a multi-year process and companies were on the quarterly earnings model with investors. So there was a tension between what the companies knew they needed to do and what capital and banks were allowing them to do. 

RePlant came out of the need for a source of capital that is aligned with this transition. 

Can you talk more about RePlant’s investment model? Where do you actually invest, and how are you able to have an impact that makes a measurable difference in our food?

Our model is to partner with farmers to ensure they have access to capital, food growing strategies and connections to large food companies. We work with farmers on strategies to build soil health. In building soil health, we create a stronger resource for decarbonizing the supply chain, for drawing down carbon, for building soil organic matter and for conserving water.  So for instance, we are helping growers in California create a carbon neutral almond. That’s an exciting story for us, investors, food companies and for farmers. As farmers transition their land to regenerative practices, instead of taking on debt to buy chemicals to treat their seeds, they are saving money, as they employ regenerative practices on farm. A farmer who transitions 7,000 acres in Iowa can save $500,000 in one year.

We are at an inflection point in agriculture where we know that we can do better than the systems we have inherited. We can leverage data, drone technology, and be mindful stewards of the soil. And we want to do that because soil, if it is healthy and vibrant, is a sponge. It can hold water, carbon and nutrients. 



Why is it important to invest in farmers directly? Why not just work with large companies who are the purchasers to create demand and put pressure on farmers?

and 75% of all grocery store categories carry something organic. At the same time, only 1% of US farmland is organic. We are not growing what Americans want to eat. This is one of the greatest opportunities for Made in America that there is. 

So why aren’t specialty crops grown here? Our current system subsidizes genetically engineered crops and the chemicals required to grow them.  So access to capital for specialty crops is less available, and the time required to transition farmland can create economic and financial hardship on the farmers in the process. Our farmers are literally financially locked into this broken food system.  And we can’t fix a broken food system with a broken financial system. 


“Farming is not a flashy sector but it's foundational to absolutely everything that we do. Food security is national security. How can we make it less vulnerable to external shocks like trade wars and drought? I believe it is by stewarding the soil so it requires less input, farming in a way that is smart with water infiltration and water conservation, and having access to financing,”

says Robyn O'Brien.

You have a personal commitment to supporting women in finance and in food and you spoke earlier about your own experience as a woman in the field. How do you think about the work to bring greater diversity to this sector?

Just as biodiversity is our resiliency, it is critical to have every voice you can around the table, and it is better for your bottom line. But finance is male dominated, and multinational supply chains are farmed by predominantly white, male farmers. We need more pledges like the commitments in the B Corp community and saying you have to have diversity on your executive team if we are going to help you take your company public. 

I also fundamentally believe that there is an insight that we bring as women to a space like this in particular. I didn't have a female mentor in my career and this is one reason I am committed to mentoring women. I want them to feel safe to ask any question and to help younger women step into their power, growth and leadership. I love mentoring Leeds students and making space for them to learn. I have also hired a number of Leeds students as interns and employees as our company has grown.

How do you reach diverse candidates? 

I am very aware of how systemic discrimination for candidates of color and women has operated over decades. We have to be intentional about posting job opportunities beyond our reach, with organizations, and within communities, that can connect us to diverse talent. It’s necessary to have the humility to say this is not my strength, where can I learn more, and where can we do better? 

We have gone from a team of three to 10 in the last year. We conducted all hiring and onboarding remotely. As we were hiring and Covid hit we wanted to ensure people could work where they were. The more grace and flexibility we have been able to embrace in the process, the higher the yield. Now our core team is in Boulder, we have one teammate in Oakland, CA, our Sr. VP of lending is in Austin, our Director of Strategic Partnerships is in St. Louis, and we have one teammate in Philadelphia. 

How would you describe the culture of RePlant Capital?

The three co-founders are radically collaborative. We work hard and operate out of a sense of generosity. We lead with confidence and humility, knowing there is so much to learn. We recognize that we are better as a strong, diversified, resilient team that enhances one anothers attributes and supports one another. 

In the interview process, we listen for how often someone uses “I” or “we” and how a potential new employee would consider reaching out to members of the team and leveraging their expertise. We also listen to whether people approach their work with a sense of scarcity or a sense of abundance. Our hiring process is very intentional. We have built lots of opportunities for members of our team to listen to the candidates and for the candidates to have access to members of the team. 

Listening is also a core part of how we work. I cannot emphasize enough how important that is to our partnerships with multinationals and farmers. Our work is not about projecting what we think onto others, but listening and then collaborating as a team to solve problems. 

How has your reception by the food industry changed over the past 12 years?

My book, was published in 2009, and I gave a  calling out how broken the system was and the double standards that had been imposed on American families. At that time, I was marginalized and in some cases threatened by some of the largest multinationals in the food industry.  However, when CEOs began to reach out, in a very personal way as parents concerned for the health of their families and as executives concerned for the wellbeing of their employees, things began to change. Inside of every company, there are internal champions who understand this transition and want to help their company navigate it. Thankfully, the number of people doing this is growing. 

RePlant has a reputation, a track record of courage and integrity, and a willingness to speak truth to power, and companies now seek us out. Farmers also will tell us that they Googled us and that our track record speaks for itself.  It is clear that we have been working on these issues for years. 

Is there a role for policy and government in your work or do you see this as a problem that the private business sector should solve?

Policy follows the money. That's why RePlant’s initial loans are so catalytic. They don’t just transition the supply chains but also provide data and metrics around water conservation, soil organic matter and pollinators which we can take back to policy makers and have a conversation about. We are already in conversations with policy makers at the state and federal level, from congressmen to governors to leadership at the USDA.

For example, in California we are working in the Central Valley with almond growers. There is a lot in the news now about the drought. If the growers follow regenerative practices they will create soil conditions that retain more water. Water infiltration increases dramatically when regenerative practices are used on farms. Once it is clear what the farmers are accomplishing with responsible stewardship, and the metrics are captured, water conservation policy can follow. The issue of water security is critical and not yet getting enough time in the media. We aim to change that. 

I would love to learn more about how you collect this data, and your plans for sharing it.

RePlant works with third party technical assistance partners to capture metrics on soil health, such as water conservation and infiltration, nutrient density, carbon sequestration and pollinator information. These requirements are written into the contracts we have with farmers, whether we are working with almond growers in California, rice growers in Arkansas in the Anheuser Busch supply chain, potato growers in Idaho or dairy farmers in Ohio. 

Our goal for the data is to help farmers leverage their work beyond the products they are offering.  The role farmers play in soil health, water health and climate health is enormous. More broadly beyond the work with supply chains, we do a lot of webinars - from supporting the work of organizations like the Iowa organic farm association to speaking at events hosted by the World Bank. We talk about how we are only just beginning to understand how powerful the connections are between soil and health and climate. That is an opportunity that gets everybody excited and which our data will help us understand.

Can you talk about your greatest challenge in your career?

Fear can be paralyzing and something I learned early on is that it's just a seatbelt that keeps you locked in your comfort zone. When I am stepping into something new and I feel fear I name it and recognize it, and then deliberately move through that paralysis and harness its power into the growth that is required for the next stage. I look at fear now as a welcome rocket fuel to growth. Without it, you’re stagnant!

What advice do you have for business students today who are thinking about impactful and purpose-driven careers where they can make a difference?

  • Build out your strengths and skill sets. Volunteer in nonprofits in areas you are passionate about that can help build expertise early in your career. I did that and it built a powerful network. 
  • Don't be afraid to start small. There are so many incredible opportunities if you are willing to start. I've given public speeches to audiences of 1,000 but my first talk was six people. 
  • If there is somebody you admire, study them, and think about where you can learn from other industries. Reach out to people trying to scale something totally different to learn their lessons. Drawing on diversity of experience can provide inspiration and creativity.
  • Be courageous enough to ask for guidance and insight! There are amazing resources around all of us, amazing talent, amazing wisdom, don’t hesitate to reach out to tap it! 

“Get involved in what you are passionate about. Don't try to fit someone else's expectations. Pursue what you love and leverage what you are good at it.  That is the unique combination that makes you a powerhouse!  There will be days and weeks that knock you sideways. To have deep commitment to a purpose helps you get up every time you get knocked down, not to mention, it builds fortitude!”

says Robyn O'Brien.


Robyn will be sharing her experience as a female entrepreneur, building her business, working in finance, and her advice and recommendations for student-athletes to chase after their goals as the keynote speaker for the upcoming fifth annual Women with Altitude event on 8.31.2021 from 6-7 pm in the Arrow Touchdown Club located in the Dal Ward Athletic Center at CU Boulder. Presented by . 

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Mon, 23 Aug 2021 15:25:12 +0000 Anonymous 16117 at /business
SRE Certificate Helps Leeds Undergrad 鶹Ժ Prepare for Careers in Ethical Business /business/cesr/insights-news/2021/04/23/sre-certificate-helps-leeds-undergrad-students-prepare-careers-ethical-business SRE Certificate Helps Leeds Undergrad 鶹Ժ Prepare for Careers in Ethical Business Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 04/23/2021 - 16:10 Categories: CESR Blog Tags: CESR Blog CESR Business Solutions to Environmental Challenges CESR Community Connections CESR Ethical Leadership CESR Undergraduate Stories Justine Roberts

Dynamic undergraduate students choose to pursue the Certificate in Social Responsibility and Ethics (SRE) in addition to their BS because it allows them to study how stakeholder value fits into the business world.

Meet and. Both of these graduating seniors are excited to champion ways for business to lead on environmental and social impact as they pursue careers in real estate and apparel.To learn more about Leeds students, and connect with those who are currently looking for internships and job opportunities in impact-driven business, please be in touch with CESR. We would love to introduce you.

Carmen Rodriguez Garcia BSRelEst ‘21

Why did you decide to get an SRE Certificate? What made you choose Leeds? 
I decided to get the SRE Certificate because I noticed that all the professors that talked about people and the planet (in addition to profit) were in the Social Responsibility and Sustainability (SRS) department. I started talking to a few of them during office hours and I realized that I had found a passionate group of people who were asking questions about stakeholders that I had never even considered. That's when I realized that I wanted to expand my knowledge on social responsibility and pursue the certificate. 

I grew up in a neighborhood called Westwood in Southwest Denver. I was drawn to Leeds because there is a lot of financial aid provided for low-income students like myself. I was also smitten with the Flatirons at first sight!

What was something you learned while at Leeds that surprised you? 
There's tons, but the one that sticks out to me comes from my Sustainable Operations class. We talked about so many facts and figures that were mind boggling, such as 70% of the world's emissions are created from 100 companies, and facts about recycling that might seem mundane but really impacted me and the way I do things. I now know to look at the number inside the recycling symbol to know where I can dispose of it.


I realized that I had found a passionate group of people who were asking questions about stakeholders that I had never even considered. That's when I realized that I wanted to expand my knowledge on social responsibility and pursue the SRE Certificate,

says Carmen 

What accomplishments are you most proud of from your time at school?
I'm super proud of the communities I've built in my time as a Resident Advisor (RA) [in the residence halls]. Naturally, they happen organically, but it is so heartwarming to see residents from my floor moving in together after their freshman year and continuing to hangout. I have a lot of pride in the communities and friendships I've helped start in my time as a Darley RA.

To become an RA I applied my freshman year and had to submit a thorough application with essay questions as well as an interview. This is my third year doing it! I was a regular RA for my sophomore and junior years and then I applied to be the Senior Resident Advisor for my building. I also went through an interview process for that. So now I am a liaison between the RAs and the Hall Director (our boss) and I have a few additional responsibilities. 

What kind of work do you want to do and why does it appeal to you?
I want to go into a job where I can talk to people! Collaboration kind of scares me, but I want to step out of my comfort zone. I love getting to know people in my personal life, and would love to extend that to my professional life. My emphasis is real estate so I've been applying to jobs in the industry, mostly property management or customer relations. I am currently an HR intern at Ball Aerospace. 

What is one thing that you would like others to know about you?
One thing that I'd like people to know about me is that I am one of the best Mario Kart players you'll ever meet. I got into Mario Kart because my older brother had a Wii and when I was bored I would play. Eventually, I got really into it and joined a few tournaments where I ended up winning first place! 

Jacob Hahn BSBusAcct ‘21

Why did you decide to get an SRE Certificate? What made you choose Leeds? 
I chose to attend CU Boulder and Leeds because of the emphasis that the school places on ethics. I am somebody who likes business but is very wary of its flaws. When I entered college, I was debating between international affairs and business, and I chose business because I felt that my impact could be greater as a business student. 

Once I entered Leeds, I knew that I was going to complete the SRE Certificate no matter what. I entered Leeds with a desire to reform the ethical and sustainable aspects of the fashion supply chain. I believed that the SRE programming and courses would give me the understanding needed to achieve my dreams.


I think that my time at Leeds really prepared me to have difficult conversations about how the current approach to business leaves a lot of populations behind. While these certainly are not easy conversations, I am comfortable and prepared to have them in a professional setting,

says Jacob 

What was something you learned while at Leeds that surprised you? 
I genuinely was shocked at how many students actively supported and believed in the power of the shareholder approach. In SRE programming, and personally, I have learned a lot of the advantages to a stakeholder approach; how the benefits really go beyond profits, and can support communities, at all points in the value chain. 

What accomplishments are you most proud of from your time at school? 
The summer after my sophomore year I had enough money saved up from work to go backpacking through Southeast Asia for a month. So, when I saw a good deal on flights, I booked them. I spent a month backpacking Hong Kong, Thailand, and Cambodia. It was one of the most challenging experiences of my life as I was backpacking solo. While at the same time it was hands down the best experience of my life. I learned so much about me and what I desire, I think solo travel is something that everyone who can experience it should.

What kind of work do you want to do and why does it appeal to you?
As a long-term goal, I am hoping to do work with large corporations to make them more sustainable and ethical. When I backpacked Cambodia, I spent a week in a city where the economy had been reliant on the fashion industry. They had a lot of garment factories for fast fashion companies like Zara. These companies had pulled out of the country five years earlier, and it was shocking to see how careless these companies had been. I realized at that point that I wanted to work to ensure that companies were not hurting communities like this.

What is one thing that you would like others to know about you?
I am really into fashion. Specifically thrifting, I think it is a great way to combine my passions of ethical and sustainable practices with my interest in fashion.

To get in touch with Carmen or Jacob, or learn more about other Leeds’ students pursuing impact careers, please contact CESR.

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Fri, 23 Apr 2021 22:10:13 +0000 Anonymous 15765 at /business
Meet Two Leeds MBA 鶹Ժ with Science Backgrounds Pursuing Impact Business Careers /business/cesr/insights-news/2021/04/12/meet-two-leeds-mba-students-science-backgrounds-pursuing-impact-business-careers Meet Two Leeds MBA 鶹Ժ with Science Backgrounds Pursuing Impact Business Careers Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 04/12/2021 - 10:23 Categories: CESR Blog Tags: CESR Blog CESR Business Solutions to Environmental Challenges CESR MBA Stories Justine Roberts

"The impact-driven community that surrounds Boulder is highly unique, and the university provides incredible opportunities to work within that community.” - Jenny Swonger, MBA ‘21

Over the next few months we will be showcasing some of the many talented Leeds students who are committed to creating social and environmental change with their business degrees. Today, we are excited to introduce you to two MBA students who started their careers in scientific research and who pivoted to the business world as a place where they can deepen and expand their impact. (‘21) and (‘22) exemplify the breadth of experience and range of backgrounds that students come to Leeds with, and which is part of what makes them such incredible advocates for sustainability and business as a force for good.

To learn more about Leeds students, and connect with those who are currently looking for internships and job opportunities in impact-driven business, please be in touch with CESR. We would love to introduce you.

Jenny Swonger, MBA ‘21

Why did you decide to get an MBA? What made you choose Leeds? 
I have always been passionate about environmental conservation. Prior to starting at Leeds for my MBA, I worked in the wildlife biology field conducting studies on how climate change affects salt marshes. While I loved the work, analytical skills and team building opportunities I developed in the wildlife field, I felt that helping businesses decrease their environmental footprint would result in a larger environmental impact. As such, I decided to pursue an MBA with a focus in renewable energy. I have always resonated with the culture and outdoor opportunities in Colorado, which is what drew me in to Leeds initially.

What was something you learned while at Leeds that surprised you? 
Through my Business of Renewable Energy class I partnered with NREL to develop a feasibility analysis and go-to-market strategy for new chemical recycling technology they created. Learning about the quantity of recyclable materials that end up in landfills as well as the general pitfalls of our recycling industry was shocking to me, and really helped showcase the importance of developing new recycling technology to recycle a larger array of products.

What accomplishments are you most proud of from your time at school? 
Last March when the world was shutting down due to COVID-19, I took the risk to start my own consulting firm: Entrepreneurial Solutions, 2020. With all the unknowns that came last spring, my team and I were uncertain if we could attract clients or even turn a profit. After developing marketing materials, building out our pipeline and negotiating contracts, we eventually reached a point where we had more clients than we could complete projects for! My team and I worked on projects ranging from medical devices to electric vertical takeoff vehicles and everything in between. The growth I experienced from starting and running my own consulting firm was immeasurable and I could not be more grateful for taking that risk during the start of the pandemic.

What kind of work do you want to do and why does it appeal to you?
Currently I am interning for the , an alliance of large clean energy buyers, NGOs, service providers and developers who are unlocking the marketplace for non-residential energy buyers to rapidly transition to a zero-carbon energy future. While at REBA, I support the membership team through development of marketing collateral and prospecting potential members.


I am continually inspired by my co-workers and stakeholders at REBA and revel in the opportunity to green the grid for all – especially some of the largest energy buyers. I want to continue greening the grid for all, in whatever form that comes in, since electricity and clean energy usage affects every single person on this planet, 

says Jenny.

What is one thing that you would like others to know about you?
I have wholeheartedly turned into the quintessential Coloradoan since moving here for graduate school. When I am not working or studying, I love to hike, run and explore all that this beautiful state has to offer. I am also terrified of heights, so I have been spending the last few months tackling that by getting into rock climbing! I have really enjoyed finding new ways to experience the Rockies.

Jenny is currently an intern at the and looking for marketing opportunities in the clean energy industry.

Izzy Diehl MBA ‘22

Why did you decide to get an MBA? What made you choose Leeds? 
I decided to get an MBA after I realized that I no longer wanted a career in neuroscience research. I had spent years as a project coordinator and laboratory manager within a neuroscience laboratory and I was ready for a new challenge. I specifically chose Leeds because of the location and the opportunity to build a community in a place that was filled with people that shared a common interest in protecting the environment.

What was something you learned while at Leeds that surprised you? 
I was pleasantly surprised that in the first semester of the MBA program we would learn how to code! I had always been interested in coding but had never had the opportunity. I had a great time learning something so new and challenging.

What accomplishments are you most proud of from your time at school? 
I am proud of my consulting work with , which came through my participation in Leeds Social Impact Consultants (LSIC). I was fortunate to get the opportunity to work for a company that I truly believe in. Mammoth has created a mobile app that helps farmers keep track of their water usage. During the course of the semester, I was able to conduct market research and create an ad campaign. It brought me great joy to bring the skills I had gained during this program into action.

I love using data to make informed decisions, and I also find great joy in uncovering why people engage in certain behaviors, so I decided to get the MBA/MS STEM dual degree in marketing and data analytics. This unique opportunity felt like the perfect bridge between my past career in neuroscience and the one I was hoping to move toward,

says Izzy.

What kind of work do you want to do and why does it appeal to you?
I really want to work in a data analytics role where I can collaborate with the marketing team to uncover consumer decision-making and use those insights to drive business decisions. This work interests me because I am so deeply fascinated by what makes people tick. I would enjoy getting to cater certain aspects of the business to best fit the desires and needs of the consumer. It would be a plus if I could work for a company that prioritizes using capitalism for good and has a focus on sustainability and social responsibility.

What is one thing that you would like others to know about you?
I would like others to know that I am someone that truly enjoys learning. I am such a curious person and spend my free time trying to learn something new, whether that be through a new podcast, a book, or trying out a new hobby. I enjoy anything intellectually stimulating and challenging.

Izzy is looking for a marketing internship focused on the outdoors, including sustainable tourism and gear companies.

To get in touch with or , or learn more about other Leeds’ students pursuing impact careers please contact CESR.

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Mon, 12 Apr 2021 16:23:57 +0000 Anonymous 15717 at /business
The Changemakers Series: Exploring how Business Leaders Drive Change /business/cesr/insights-news/2021/03/29/changemakers-series-exploring-how-business-leaders-drive-change The Changemakers Series: Exploring how Business Leaders Drive Change Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 03/29/2021 - 17:32 Categories: CESR Blog Tags: CESR Blog CESR Business Solutions to Environmental Challenges CESR Community Connections CESR Ethical Leadership Justine Roberts

This year CESR organized a new series featuring mission-driven executive-level speakers. Called Changemakers, these events showcase inspirational leaders whose careers have helped shape the way businesses approach sustainability and social impact. They are designed to be direct and personal with discussions ranging from the impact the speaker is most proud of, to their relationships with mentors throughout their career, to how life experiences have shaped their approach to business. 

Changemakers was created in part as a response to the pandemic. Speakers talk about how their values, relationships, and personal passions connect with the work they do. Everyone’s story contains some adversity and learning about the long arc of a career speaks to the way leaders practice resilience; an important perspective during this past year. 

"Showing up as your whole self means being respectful, being open to learning, and focusing on what matters." - Joyce Cacho

The Changemakers series consists of four events held this academic year. Three have already taken place and the fourth is coming up. 

| April 14 | 12:30-1:30pm 

Presented by the Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility and the Deming Center for Entrepreneurshi
is the founder, CEO, and President of The Jackfruit Company and Global Village Fruit, Inc (GVF). Annie founded GVF in the summer of 2011, while working in India to implement a maternal and child healthcare program (Remindavax) she and her brother had developed. Annie worked to build GVF during her junior and senior years at Harvard, winning Harvard’s Women in Business Competition, Harvard’s i3 Innovation Challenge, and the Resolution Project’s Social Venture Challenge, and being recognized as a Global Good Fund Fellow, an Honorary Fellow at the Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT, and one of Glamour’s Top 10 College Women. To hear more about Annie and her approach to social entrepreneurship,. Open to all.

Read about Changemakers we have interviewed and click on the links below to watch videos of these conversations:

Presented by the Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility and the Leeds Outdoor Industry Club.

has more than two decades of leadership experience. He is currently the Global Brand President of Cat Footwear and has held several positions withinsince joining the company in 2010. His previous experience includes serving as president of and president of .

(MBA/MENV ‘22) interviewed Chip. She was drawn to this opportunity to explore the intersection of business and social impact. Their conversation spanned Chip’s first job in the outdoor industry, how Chaco is responding to the pandemic, and his approach to ethical leadership. Chip discussed how Chaco has remained financially strong with a product that lasts forever, and how his focus on both upstream and downstream environmental impacts have helped the industry move away from man-made fabrics and toward natural fibers. 

"It was an honor to engage with CESR and the Changemakers series.  Too often, business schools seem to focus on the "hard" skills.  In my 35-year business career, I have found it very easy to hire for ‘hard’ skills; but very challenging to hire for ethical thought and leadership." - Chip Coe

Chip’s advice to anyone who wants to make a difference is to practice consistency, credibility and patience. “Things take longer than you think they should and to maintain your credibility have to temper frustration and play the long game. It's not getting one thing done at the cost of torching a relationship or acting in a way that is inconsistent with your values.”

Presented by the Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility 

is Managing Director at and the Community Relations Manager at. She is a champion for community engagement programs and provides leadership and strategic support for the corporate diversity and community outreach initiatives. Demesha also fosters the diversity and inclusion employee resource groups at her firm. She serves or has served on several nonprofit boards including , Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Studio, , and the Advisory Council for Colorado Succeeds. An award-winning CSR professional and leader in the Colorado impact business community she was named Corporate Executive of the Year by the Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce in 2018.

Demesha wanted to participate in the Changemakers series because she believes that as students go into the business world “they need to understand the role diversity, equity and inclusion plays in a company's ESG identity.”

, Program Manager at CESR, led this interview. Justine was particularly excited to talk with Demesha about how she was approaching DEI at a time when themovement was making an impact on the national conversation about racial justice. The conversation moved from how Demesha defines diversity, to how she measures success, to more personal questions about how her upbringing informs her work and the kind of difference she wants to make. Janus Henderson is an international firm, so Demesha shared how DEI work differs in different countries. 

Presented by the Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility and the Burridge Center for Finance.

has more than two decades of leadership experience. She is a former Global Chief Sustainability Officer and an expert in finance, ESG, strategy, innovation and regulatory compliance. Joyce served as Board Director for, Executive Director at , and Board Director for , a certified B Corp, and the . She was interviewed by (MS ‘21). The opportunity to interview someone, much less a role model, was new to Mrunal and she jumped at the opportunity.


"Joyce is extremely inspirational and her perspective is very interesting and exciting!" - Mrunal Wakode 

Joyce said yes to being part of the Changemakers series because “It was an opportunity to bring the ‘real world’ to the classroom and to young people. We are trusting this highly energized group of people to build a normal which creates value with a wide range of people and geographical settings,” she says, “‘Yes’ is the only answer I could possibly have given!”

Joyce and Mrunal’s conversation explored how her childhood has influenced her work as an adult, and what motivates her beyond “honing skills and getting paid and traveling.” They also discussed the ways the Coronavirus pandemic has brought much needed attention to the relationships between inequality, gender equality and racial justice. Joyce argues that shareholders and stakeholders are one and the same because corporations are stakeholders in the greater economy. She believes it is imperative that corporations and their boards support strategies that not only improve the environment, but which also contribute to closing gender equity and racial equity gaps in the US and around the world.

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Mon, 29 Mar 2021 23:32:22 +0000 Anonymous 15669 at /business
Exec Ed Program Supports a Holistic Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility /business/cesr/insights-news/2021/03/15/exec-ed-program-supports-holistic-approach-csr Exec Ed Program Supports a Holistic Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 03/15/2021 - 15:35 Categories: CESR Blog Tags: CESR Blog CESR Business Solutions to Environmental Challenges CESR Community Connections CESR Executive Education News Justine Roberts

, who completed ䷡’s Certificate in CSR (CCSR), has a great job at a company she respects. At the beginning of 2019, she was working at sales at , a satellite communications company providing critical connectivity to customers around the globe.  She started there working with NGOs and this piqued her interest in mission-oriented organizations, and she wanted to learn how to apply what they do to the business environment at SES.  In part because she was working with nonprofits, Amber was interested in learning more about corporate giving programs, and how to align corporate philanthropy with business strategy. She appreciated that her CEO talked about how he wanted everyone to feel like they are making a difference every day, and she was intrigued. So Amber signed up to participate in the online class of ䷡’s Certificate in CSR (CCSR) to learn more. By the end of the first class she was fired up. That first session introduced her to the idea that CSR is not one specific initiative, but a way of doing business. And she realized that while SES is already making a big impact, there was an opportunity to measure it and talk about it.

Pitching impact

Internally, across the company, others were also starting to come to similar realizations about the ways impact should be driven into the business. About half-way through the CCSR class Amber reached out to those internally with her ideas for how to assess SES’s impact, and communicate it to various stakeholders. Her pitch included conducting a, materiality assessment, corporate giving inventory, and to assess alignment with the - all things she had learned about in the CCSR program. After several conversations and some internal pitches, the company started down a path to take a holistic approach to CSR. 

Amber had tapped into existing excitement within SES. There were already people talking about how to set environmental targets, the General Counsel’s office was looking at environmental, societal and governance (ESG) policies, and there were folks exploring how to increase diversity. Amber’s suggestions would bring these programs together to look at the question of CSR holistically. At all levels of the company people were excited by the opportunity to coordinate their actions, and Amber was given responsibility for implementation. Since then Amber has been able to engage employees from across the company, including setting up an ESG Working Group internally to drive changes into the business. 

Peer connections in an engaged network

The online CCSR class fit well into Amber’s life. It was scheduled after work, and while classes ended at 8pm Amber says she could have stayed online another two hours to go deeper after every session. There were quite a few people in her class who lived close by, and they got together outside of class a couple times. The class also continues to use the email list to connect with one another. Now that she is practicing CSR Amber uses the network to ask about what other people are doing, and to get practical advice on specific projects or find resources within the industry.

Amber’s favorite class was on business and the environment. It made her realize how big an impact companies can have on climate change. She recognized how a company like SES could be doing more to drive innovation in their industry. She also got a lot of value from talking with participants in the class who worked at nonprofits. These classmates showed her how they think about industry partners and she got insight into how NPs approach the world's problems. It changed her perspective of her own work from that of a traditional sales relationship to more of a partnership.

CSR is good for everyone 

For people who want to become a CSR professional Amber says “go for it” and sign up for CCSR. For her it was a good chance to evaluate her career and start to make a shift. More than that, she says it broadened her world view. She purchases clothing differently now and understands how to look at a sustainability report to assess whether companies are being responsible members of our society.

Amber believes that CSR is ultimately everyone's responsibility. In Amber’s vision of the future everyone in all companies will be thinking about purpose, and how their decisions are advancing the general good. 

To register, or learn more about the class including scheduling a time to chat with one of our Instructors, please visit us online.



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Mon, 15 Mar 2021 21:35:26 +0000 Anonymous 15643 at /business
Magnifying Impact Work During the Pandemic /business/news/2021/01/06/magnifying-impact-work-during-pandemic Magnifying Impact Work During the Pandemic Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 01/06/2021 - 11:42 Tags: CESR Blog CESR Business Solutions to Environmental Challenges CESR Community Connections CESR MBA Stories

Leeds’ Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility turned a challenge presented by COVID-19 into a mentorship opportunity for up-and-coming social responsibility professionals.

Each fall, the Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility (CESR) offers a comprehensive day-long consulting skills workshop for the Leeds Social Impact Consultants (LSIC), an MBA student club for those interested in pursuing impact consulting. The in-person workshop provides access to experts and resources for hands-on projects the students complete with local businesses during the semester.

Then, COVID-19 disrupted everything.

CESR realized that students faced packed schedules with online learning and finding time for a remote annual workshop would be challenging. Yet, this “problem” created an opportunity: The Center could provide the LSIC with even more meaningful support than what they would typically receive in one day by pairing the students with mentors who would be available to help throughout the length of their project.

“Instead of a one-time high-dose workshop up front, mentors could be just-in-time resources for whatever questions students had as they worked on their projects,”

says Justine Roberts, sustainability community engagement coordinator for CESR.

Since the projects focus on helping companies find impact driven solutions for particular issues, the opportunity to work alongside mentors with experience in this field allowed students to gain a deeper understanding of the implications of their work.

CESR recruited Leeds alumni as mentors because a number of them work in impact consulting field, and they are well trained and highly skilled. They also worked with Good Business Colorado, B:Civic and Naturally Boulder to identify possible mentors.

Nine companies signed up to partner with LSIC on projects, all of them social impact driven. LSIC co-presidents Thaala Loper and Jenny Swonger, both second-year MBA students, helped to recruit these companies by identifying impact-driven businesses with project needs.

The companies included: Bridget's Botanicals, LLC; Eco-Products, PBC; Helping Habit, PBC; InClover Research; Meati Foods; POINT380; CoPeace; University of Colorado Volunteer Resource Center; and Mammoth Water.

“Providing mentors to each project team provided tremendous value,” said Loper. “鶹Ժ were able to form supportive relationships and receive guidance to navigate challenges and deliver to a higher standard. We appreciate CESR's help with this.”

At the end of the semester, the students gave a final presentation that brought all of company leads and mentors together. It was a chance for students to share their work with one another, for companies to give feedback and input, and to thank mentors and companies for their engagement with Leeds.

Perhaps the most important thing the students gained from participating was the opportunity to use their newfound business knowledge from Leeds in a real-world setting. The projects not only expand students’ networks but also teach them valuable project management skills.

The Leeds Social Impact Consulting group is part of the larger Net Impact family with the goal of providing another meaningful opportunity for experiential learning in sustainability consulting. Many of Leeds’ students are interested in consulting and are often recruited by Bain and McKinsey and other big firms. However, for students specifically interested in impact and social responsibility, the LSIC provides real-world experience in consulting for good—one of the differentiators for Leeds.

While ䷡’s decision to pivot the one-day workshop to a semester-long project may have stemmed from a challenge presented by COVID-19, the experience the LSIC received this year may have been the best yet. And as these MBA candidates prepare for impact-driven careers after graduation, they will have the skills, experience and network to succeed.

A special thanks to the mentors who helped make this year’s projects possible:

  • Connor Merrigan – (MURD./MUP’07 and BS Engineering’98)
  • Nicole Reed Fry – (MBA’14)
  • Margaret Mondlane – Certificate CSR
  • Magenta Freeman (Master’s UCD)
  • Jackie Fleming – (MBA’17)
  • Randy Welsch
  • Katie Eisenbrown – (MBA’16)
  • Jana Sanchez
  • K.J. McCory
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Wed, 06 Jan 2021 18:42:33 +0000 Anonymous 15435 at /business