ATLAS research front and center at DIS’22

Researchers from ATLAS Institute's Unstable Design, THING, Living Matter and Superhuman Computinglabs presented four papers, including three that received “Honorable Mention” awards, at the ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS '22), held virtually, June 13-17.

Their research ranged from exploring how robots can communicate emotional messages through touch in ways beyond mimicking interpersonal touch; how non-digital textile interfaces can fit meaningfully into the lives of people with disabilities; how biofoam, a biodegradable material, can be used in design in its different phases, and the unique properties it offers the HCI community; and the tensions between craft techniques integrated in HCI, such as weaving, and how to transfer between the written word and material know-how.

DIS is an international and interdisciplinary conference encompassing issues related to the design and deployment of interactive systems, where designers, artists, theorists, psychologists, user experience researchers, systems engineers and many more come together to debate and shape the future of interaction systems research, design and practice.

This year DIS registration was free, providing a rare opportunity to access the conference content without hefty conference fees.