ACM C&C'22: Build Your Own Arcade Machine with Tinycade
Researchers from ATLAS Institute’s ACME Lab presented one pictorial and two graduate student symposium papers at the 14th ACM Creativity & Cognition (C&C), which took placeJune 20-23 in Venice, Italy. The theme of this year's conference was "Creativity, Craft and Design."
authored byPeter Gyory, (ATLAS PhD student);Perry Owens, (Creative Industries master’s student);Matthew Bethancourt,(teaching associate professor and director of the Whaaat?! Lab;)Amy Banic, (visiting associate professor, ATLAS/computer science;)Clement Zheng, (ATLAS post-doctoral research associate, PhD,Technology, Media & Society ‘20) andEllen Yi-Luen Do, (faculty, ATLAS/computer science).
Tinycadeis a platform designed to help game designers build their own mini arcade games by hand. With this platform, one can craft functioning game controllers out of everyday materials such as cardboard and toothpicks. In this pictorial, the authors discuss the functionality of Tinycade and showcase three games that demonstrate the variety of controls possible with this platform.
Peter Gyory,Perry Y Owens,Matthew Bethancourt,Amy Banic,Clement Zheng,Ellen Yi-Luen Do. 2022.“Build Your Own Arcade Machine with Tinycade,” In14th ACM conference on, (June 20-23, 2022—Venice, Italy).