Two young faculty scientists at CU Boulder are among seven Colorado researchers who have won $1.41 million in total funding from the Boettcher Foundation’s Webb-Waring Awards program.
Intro-to-biology textbooks images are changing because of her work. Now, CU Boulder cellular cartographer Gia Voeltz joins the ranks of researchers named Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigators.
Known for his thoughtful insights and engaging lessons, Tyler LeCroy found his love for math and science when he started community college and then transferred to CU Boulder, soon driving a passion for education.
Born on the CU Boulder campus, Arpeggio Biosciences is looking to a previously unknown part of the human genome to better understand drugs and disease.
Leslie Leinwand has won the American Heart Association's 2017 Distinguished Scientist award for outstanding contributions to the field of heart health.
Just as flu season swings into full gear, researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder and University of Texas at Austin have uncovered a previously unknown mechanism by which the human immune system tries to battle the influenza A virus.
For humans, our sense of touch is relayed to the brain via small electrical pulses. But new research shows that individual bacteria can feel their external environment in a similar way.