Advanced Spacecraft Dynamics and Control Specialization

This online physics specialization is ideal for learners experienced in spacecraft dynamics as well as GNC engineers and researchers. You will learn about momentum-based attitude dynamics and control, derive analytical methods to model complex spacecraft systems, and conclude with a capstone project. It is recommended that you complete Spacecraft Dynamics and Control prior to enrolling in this more advanced series of courses.

By completing this specialization, you will be able to:

  • M​odel spacecraft with angular momentum exchange devices
  • A​nalyze methods to derive equations of motion
  • Apply Holonomic and Pfaffian constraints to a dynamical description
  • D​evelop spacecraft equations of motion with momentum exchange devices


  • Attitude Control with Momentum Exchange Devices
  • Analytical Mechanics for Spacecraft Dynamics
  • Advanced Capstone Spacecraft Dynamics and Control Project