Project Description

Taken together and given the massive amounts of Wi-Fi data from multiple campus Access Points, stochastic modeling is an especially exciting and relevant given the research proposed in the IMR proposal. Specifically, the Wi-Fi data and its modeling using stochastic simulations and the data fusion, convergence and efficient modeling approach could provide insights into the dynamics of Wi-Fi activity on the CUB campus.The already collected and new data collection presents the possibility of an excellent test case and extension of the work completed by Professor Corcoran and Dr. Miller. Further, using various software, e.g., Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamical systems, SINDy, (see [16], [17]), and its variants, it is possible to also revisit the problem of estimating the parameters of a Keplerian orbit via fusion of different samples and differential equation techniques.

  • Miller, C., Corcoran, J., and Schneider, M.D., “Rare Events via Cross-Entropy Population Monte Carlo”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 29, 2022, .

Special Requirements

Student must have proficiency in software, interest in stochastic processes and simulations and aerospace would be a positive.
