Project Description

The goal of the project is to develop a procedure to prepare single crystals of hybrid metal halide perovskite semiconductors (MHPs) with mixed cation or anion compositions. This will involve comparing the various growth methods outlined in the literature, as well as exploring novel techniques, to obtain optimal single crystal size, yield, and phase purity. We expect that the established solution-growth processes will be the predominant method for synthesis. Additional methods to improve sample homogeneity may be explored. The student will perform standard single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction techniques to assess the crystal quality, and results from X-ray diffraction experiments will be used to construct alloy phase diagrams. High quality single-crystals will be used for advanced structural characterization experiments at national synchrotron facilities and neutron sources.Ìý

Constructing equilibrium phase diagrams through advanced structural characterization will provide a foundation to: (1) better understand the thermodynamics and kinetics of mixing, and (2) infer the driving forces behind non-equilibrium de-mixing upon illumination.

Toney Group

Special Requirements

We would prefer a student who has familiarity with solution-state and solid-state chemistry and an interest in learning about X-ray diffraction, semiconductor physics, and alloy thermodynamics and kinetics. Given the synthesis nature of the project, we prefer a student who can regularly devote 2 hour blocks of time.
