Project Description

UV light is an exciting alternative to chlorine for disinfection of water.Ìý This research will use ultraviolet (UV) light technology for disinfection purposes, particularly for control of microbial growth and biofilm development in water distribution systems. The impact of UV light on microorganisms will be studied through microbiological assays using cultivation-based techniques. The research assistant will gain experience working on different microorganisms such as E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The tasks include employing aseptic techniques for culturing cells, preparing media, plating, and counting colonies. Other biological assays including use of laboratory techniques in molecular biology such as DNA extraction to investigate the DNA damage after UV exposure will also be performed. Other responsibilities will include running bioreactors as well as measuring water quality parameters and support of other projects in the lab to gain exposure to other areas of environmental engineering research.

Karl Linden

Special Requirements

Interest in water treatment and some background through courses or experience.
